Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Diana Vreeland, born Diana Dalziel

Your world... you have created it for yourself, it is real to yourself, and therefore real to us... It is for you to discover yourself in a world where, alone and free, you may dream the possible dream: that the wondrous is real, because that is how you feel it to be, how you wish it to be... and how you wish it into being.

Character | World |

Theodore H. White, fully Theodore Harold White

Whether a man is burdened by power or enjoys power; whether he is trapped by responsibility or made free by it; whether he is moved by other people and outer forces or moves them - this is of the essence of leadership.

Character | Man | People | Power | Responsibility |

Walter H. Wheeler, Jr.

Our whole free dynamic society’s future depends upon a continued growth of our sense of responsibility and morality in direct proportion to the increase in our material wealth.

Character | Dynamic | Future | Growth | Morality | Responsibility | Sense | Society | Wealth |

Melvin Tolson, fully Melvin Beaunorus Tolson

Old men dream dreams; young men see visions.

Character | Dreams | Men |

Brooks Atkinson, fully Justin Brooks Atkinson

People everywhere enjoy believing things that they know are not true. It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility for what they know.

People | Responsibility | Thinking | Wisdom |

Owen D. Young

There is a single reason why 99 out of 100 average business men never become leaders. That is their unwillingness to pay the price of responsibility. By the price of responsibility I mean hard driving, continual work... the courage to make decisions, to stand the gaff... the scourging honesty of never fooling yourself about yourself... And the grooves that lead to the heights are not made between nine and five. They are burned in by the midnight oil.

Business | Character | Courage | Honesty | Men | Price | Reason | Responsibility | Work | Business |

Pearl S. Buck, fully Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, also known by her Chinese name Sai Zhenzhu

Effeminacy is not a feminine possession any more than a masculine one. Men or women become effeminate when privilege and lack of responsibility have made them weak. The true female creature, unspoiled, is tough, persistent, and strong.

Men | Responsibility | Wisdom | Privilege |

John Christian Bovee

In one important respect a man is fortunate in being poor. His responsibility to God is so much the less.

God | Important | Man | Respect | Responsibility | Wisdom | Respect | God |

Bushman from Kalahari NULL

There is a dream dreaming of us.

Wisdom |

Elihu Burritt

We are forming characters for eternity. Forming characters! Whose? our own or other? Both - and in that momentous fact lies the peril and responsibility of our existence. Who is sufficient for the thought?

Eternity | Existence | Peril | Responsibility | Thought | Wisdom |