Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Wayne Dyer, fully Wayne Walter Dyer

Eternity is now. Right now, right here, you're and infinite being. Once you get past the fear of death as an end, you merge with the infinite and feel the comfort and relief that this realization brings.

Responsibility |

Wayne Dyer, fully Wayne Walter Dyer

Good morning, this is God. I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not need your help, so have a miraculous day.

Day | Life | Life | Vision |

Wayne Dyer, fully Wayne Walter Dyer

Take some time to be silent and repeat the sound of God as an inner mantra. Meditation allows you to make conscious contact with your Source and achieve success in every area. If a problem arises, then go within, get very quiet about it and find the answers inside of you.

Experience | Feelings | Prosperity | Responsibility | Suffering | Will |

Wayne Dyer, fully Wayne Walter Dyer

The only antidote to anger is to eliminate the internal sentence, ‘If only you were more like me.’

Will |

Wayne Gretsky, fully Wayne Douglas Gretzky, “The Great One”

I wasn’t naturally gifted in terms of size and speed; everything I did in hockey I worked for, and that’s the way I’ll be as a coach.

Play | Responsibility | Time | Child | Think |

Wendell Berry

Laugh. Laughter is immeasurable. Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.

Agony | Earth | Good | Grace | Labor | Life | Life | Luxury | World | Learn | Think |

Wendell Berry

If God loves the world, might that not be proved by my own love for it? I prayed to know in my heart His love for the world, and this was my most prideful, foolish, and dangerous prayer. It was my step into the abyss. As soon as I prayed it, I knew I would die. I knew the old wrong and the death that lay in the world. Just as a good man would not coerce the love of his wife, God does not coerce the love of his human creatures, not for Himself or for the world or for one another. To allow that love to exist fully and freely, He must allow it not to exist at all. HIs love is suffering. It is our freedom and His sorrow. To love the world as much as even I could love it would be suffering also, for I would fail. And yet all the good I know is in this, that a man might so love this world that it would break his heart.

Need | Responsibility | Will |

Wendell Berry

The freedom of affluence opposes and contradicts the freedom of community life.

Adultery | Age | Disease | Giving | Man | Marriage | Public | Responsibility | Speech | Woman |

Wendell Berry

As I have read the Gospels over the years, the belief has grown in me that Christ did not come to found an organized religion but came instead to found an unorganized one. He seems to have come to carry religion out of the temples into the fields and sheep pastures, onto the roadsides and the banks of the rivers, into the houses of sinners and publicans, into the town and the wilderness, toward the membership of all that is here. Well, you can read and see what you think.

Age | Desire | Life | Life | Sound | Will | World |

Wendell Berry

Want of imagination makes things unreal enough to be destroyed. By imagination I mean knowledge and love. I mean compassion. People of power kill children, the old send the young to die, because they have no imagination. They have power. Can you have power and imagination at the same time? Can you kill people you don’t know and have compassion for them at the same time?

W. H. Auden, fully Wystan Hugh Auden

Evil is unspectacular and always human and shares our bed and eats at our own table.

W. H. Auden, fully Wystan Hugh Auden

To the man-in-the-street, who, I'm sorry to say, is a keen observer of life. The word Intellectual suggests straight away. A man who's untrue to his wife.

Poetry | Responsibility |

W. Brugh Joy, fully William Brugh Joy

May I suggest that the deepest experience in vulnerability is to completely accept its Suchness as the ego/Ego coming into fuller relationship with the Divine. Thought forms of past, present, and future are simply too ego indulgent in the later stages of life. Variations on this theme are Masochism/Sadism and Pleasers/InyourFaceers. They are legitimate paths unless arrested by the ego too frightened to see what actually lurks under the drive to power.

Attention | Dynamic | Ego | Life | Life | Mystery | Nothing | Opportunity | People | Wholeness | Will | Loss | Think |

W. E. B. Du Bois, fully William Edward Burghardt Du Bois

Life has its pains and evils—its bitter disappointments; but like a good novel and in healthful length of days, there is infinite joy in seeing the World, the most interesting of continued stories, unfold.

Responsibility |

W. Brugh Joy, fully William Brugh Joy

As if in a school for gods, we learn the consequences of thought.

Conquest | Ego | Energy | Giving | Important | Impulse | Mystery | Self | Will |

W. Brugh Joy, fully William Brugh Joy

The unconscious is composed of multiple, autonomous personalities. These personalities affect our state of health -- from allergic response to disease states such as diabetes and cancer. He suggests that the unconscious mind is far more extensive and powerful than is generally acknowledged, and that the normal conscious mind cannot hope to control the personalities within. Esoteric rites and initiations, he maintains, were designed to call forth particular personalities from the unconscious at appropriate stages of development.

Dreams | Ego | Influence | Life | Life | Mind | Mystery | Nature | Position | Reflection | Think |

W. Brugh Joy, fully William Brugh Joy

Experience the mystery of pain, open to it, allow it. When you do, the experience shifts. What basically generates pain is the defense against it.

Dreams | Journey | Life | Life | Majority | Perception | Soul | Wants | Will |

W. E. H. Lecky, fully William Edward Hartpole Lecky

When the Church obtained the direction of the civil power, she soon modified or abandoned the tolerant maxims she had formerly inculcated; and, in the course of a few years, restrictive laws were enacted, both against the Jews and against the heretics.

Guilt | Judgment | Love | Men | Truth | Will |

W. Edwards Deming, fully William Edwards Deming

It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and THEN do your best.

Control | People | Responsibility | Self-improvement | System |