Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Erwin Schrödinger, fully Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger

This life of yours which you are living is not merely a piece of this entire existence, but in a certain sense the whole; only this whole is not so constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance.

Doctrine | Experience | God | Mystical | God |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

One of the most fateful errors of our age is the belief that the problem of production has been solved. The illusionÂ…is mainly due to our inability to recognize that the modern industrial system, with all its intellectual sophistication, consumes the very basis on which it has been erected. To use the language of the economist, it lives on irreplaceable capital which it cheerfully treats as income.

Change | Experience | Ideas | Thought | Thought |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

The bigger the country, the greater is the need for internal "structure" and for a decentralized approach to development. If this need is neglected, there is no hope for the poor.

Battle | Experience | Force | Man | Nature |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

That soul-destroying, meaningless, mechanical, monotonous, moronic work is an insult to human nature which must necessarily and inevitably produce either escapism or aggression, and that no amount of "bread and circuses" can compensate for the damage done – these are facts which are neither denied nor acknowledged but are met with an unbreakable conspiracy of silence – because to deny them would be too obviously absurd and to acknowledge them would condemn the central preoccupation of modern society as a crime against humanity.

Experience | Knowledge | Technology | Truth |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

An expansion of man's ability to bring forth secondary products is useless unless preceded by an expansion of his ability to win primary products from the earth; for man is not a producer but only a converter, and for every job of conversion he needs primary products.

Effort | Existence | Experience | Simplicity | Technology |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

TheÂ… crisis of which I have spoken will not go away if we simply carry on as before. It will become worse and end in disaster, until or unless we develop a new life-style which is compatible with the real needs of human nature, with the health of living nature around us, and with the resource endowment of the world.

Experience | Ideas | World |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

All the indications are that the present structure of large-scale industrial enterprise, in spite of heavy taxation and an endless proliferation of legislation, is not conducive to the public welfare.

Experience | History | Mind |

Erwin Schrödinger, fully Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger

In this communication I wish first to show in the simplest case of the hydrogen atom (nonrelativistic and undistorted) that the usual rates for quantization can be replaced by another requirement, in which mention of ‘whole numbers’ no longer occurs. Instead the integers occur in the same natural way as the integers specifying the number of nodes in a vibrating string. The new conception can be generalized, and I believe it touches the deepest meaning of the quantum rules.

Atheism | Experience | God | Good | Nothing | Pain | Price | Reason | Science | Sense | Space | World | God |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

But while all fanaticism shows intellectual weakness, a fanaticism about the means to be employed for reaching quite uncertain objectives is sheer feeble mindedness.

Experience | Religion | Theoretical |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

The exclusion of wisdom from economics, science and technology was something which we could perhaps get away with for a little while, as long as we were relatively unsuccessful; but now that we have become very successful, the problem of spiritual and moral truth moves into the central position.

Experience | Life | Life | Means | Think |

Erving Goffman

The self... is not an organic thing that has a specific location, whose fundamental fate is to be born, to mature, to die; it is a dramatic effect arising diffusely from a scene that is presented.

Experience | Stigma |

Erving Goffman

Knowing that his audiences are capable of forming bad impressions of him, the individual may come to feel ashamed of a well-intentioned honest act merely because the context of its performance provides false impressions that are bad. Feeling this unwarranted shame, he may feel that his feelings can be seen; feeling that he is thus seen, he may feel that his appearance confirms these false conclusions concerning him. He may then add to the precariousness of his position by engaging in just those defensive maneuvers that he would employ were he really guilty. In this way it is possible for all of us to become fleetingly for ourselves the worst person we can imagine that others might imagine us to be.

Alienation | Experience | Individual | Self |

Ester and Jerry Hicks

The only way that you can ever know if something is of value to you is by the way it feels as you are receiving it.

Energy | Experience |

Ester and Jerry Hicks

You cannot receive vibrationally something that you are not a vibrational match to. And so, bless those who are finding abundance. And in your blessing of them and their abundance, you will become abundant too.

Awareness | Death | Experience | Good | Joy | Life | Life | Plenty | Promise | Awareness | Value |

Ester and Jerry Hicks

No sickness would exist on this planet it your contrast hadn't carved out wellness...that you're NOT allowing.

Experience | Mind | Will |

Ester and Jerry Hicks

It is not your role to make others happy, it is your role to keep yourself in balance. When you pay attention to how you feel and practice self-empowering thoughts that align with who you really are, you will offer an example of thriving that will be of tremendous value to those who have the benefit of observing you.

Experience |

Ester and Jerry Hicks

Those old habits don't have to be erased, they just become replaced by a new habit that is more in vibrational harmony with who you are and what you want.

Experience | Good |

Étienne Gilson, fully Étienne Henry Gilson

Thus the same statement that guarantees that God exists and that his most suitable name is He Who Is, also reveals to us the perfect simplicity of the divine essence. And indeed, God did not say: I am this or that, but simply I Am. I am what? I am ‘I Am.’ So, more than ever, the statement of Exodus seems to soar above in a kind of empty space, where the attraction of the weight of philosophy can no longer be felt. The work of reason is good, healthy, and important, for it proves that, left to itself, philosophy can establish with certitude the existence of the primary being whom everyone calls God. But a single word of the sacred text at once puts us in personal relations with him. We say his name, and by the simple fact of saying it, it teaches us the simplicity of the divine essence.

Absolute | Experience | Light | Man | Truth | Intellect |

Eudora Welty

Any room in our house at any time in the day was there to read in or to be read to.

Experience |