Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein

The Divine Mind communicates with the human mind through the imagination. A prayer, therefore, should be offered in the form of a mental image. Man must visualize the thing he desires, he must use his imaginative powers to form his petition in terms clearly outlined in his own mind. The profound concentration of attention and thought which this form of prayer requires fills also the heart with deep earnestness and devotion. Man must pray whole-heartedly as well as wholemindedly; he must believe in his heart that his well-being depends completely upon his prayer.

Attention | Devotion | Earnestness | Heart | Imagination | Man | Mind | Prayer | Thought | Wisdom | Thought |

Jiddu Krishnamurti

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.

Assertion | Belief | Fear | Wisdom |

Lynn Margulis

Our own role in evolution is transient and expendable in the context of the rich layer of interliving beings forming the planet's surface... Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking.

Evolution | Life | Life | Wisdom |

Alfred Mercier

There was a wise man in the east whose constant prayer was that he might see today with the eyes of tomorrow.

Man | Prayer | Tomorrow | Wisdom | Wise |

William Mountford

For knowledge to become wisdom, and for the soul to grow, the soul must be rooted in God: and it is through prayer that there comes to us that which is the strength of our strength, and the virtue of our virtue, the Holy Spirit.

God | Knowledge | Prayer | Soul | Spirit | Strength | Virtue | Virtue | Wisdom |

H. L. Mencken, fully Henry Louis Mencken

Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable.

Belief | Faith | Wisdom |

George Meredith

Who rises from Prayer a better man, his prayer is answered.

Better | Man | Prayer | Wisdom |

R. M. Offord, fully Robert M. Offord

Expect an answer. If no answer is desired, why pray? True prayer has in it a strong element of expectancy.

Prayer | Wisdom |

Pope Pius XI, born Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti NULL

Salvation and justice are not to be found in revolution, but in evolution through concord. Violence has ever achieved only destruction, not construction; the kindling of passions, not their pacification; the accumulation of hate and destruction, not the reconciliation of the contending parties; and it has reduced men and parties to the difficult task of building slowly after sad experience on the ruins of discord.

Evolution | Experience | Hate | Justice | Men | Reconciliation | Revolution | Salvation | Wisdom |

Thomas E. O’Connor

The divisions and boundaries that we perceive based upon our five senses are, in effect, an illusion. It’s my belief that the meaning of life changes from day to day, second to second. I believe we’re here to learn that we’re part of a creative force - I would go so far as to call that force divine. We’re here to learn that we can create a world and that we have a choice in what we create, and that our world, if we choose, can be a heaven or hell.

Belief | Choice | Day | Force | Heaven | Hell | Illusion | Life | Life | Meaning | Wisdom | World | Learn |

Frances S. Osgood

Labor! all labor is noble and holy! Let thy great deeds by thy prayer to thy God.

Deeds | God | Labor | Prayer | Wisdom | Deeds |

Kenneth R. Pelletier

Inherent in any system of belief is a self-fulfilling prophecy: what is expected is observed and what is observed confirms the expectations. When an individual alters his belief system he becomes aware of vast new realms of possibility.

Belief | Individual | Prophecy | Self | System | Wisdom |

D. Z. Phillips, fully Dewi Zephaniah Phillips

The prayer is an attempt at influencing the divine will. In short, one is back in the realm of superstition. It is true that love of god’s will can be found in whatever happens, but the prayer of petition is best understood, not as an attempt at influencing the ways things go, but as an expression of, and a request for, devotion to God through the way of things.

Devotion | God | Love | Prayer | Superstition | Will | Wisdom | God |

Paul Reichmann

If one should tell of a telescope so exactly made as to have the power of seeing; of a whispering gallery that had the power of haring; of a cabinet so nicely framed as to have the power of memory; or of a machine so delicate as to feel pain when it was touched - such absurdities are so shocking to common sense that they would not find belief even among savages; yet it is the same absurdity to think that the impressions of external objects upon the machine of our bodies can be the real efficient cause of thought and perception.

Belief | Cause | Common Sense | Memory | Pain | Perception | Power | Sense | Thought | Wisdom | Absurdity | Think | Thought |

Naima Jody Sherwood

Metaphysically, the world has three levels: physical, spiritual and mystical. We find life’s meaning at each level. What gives life meaning is sharing - sharing bread, babies, moments, death, celebrations. It is recognizing that there is no separation between human beings or between human beings and the evolution of the world. Subconsciously and consciously, we are constantly expressing the fact that we are divine.

Death | Evolution | Life | Life | Meaning | Mystical | Wisdom | World |

William Stringfellow

Prayer is nothing you do; prayer is someone you are. Prayer is not about doing, but about being. Prayer is about being alone in God's presence. Prayer is being so alone that God is the only witness to your existence. The secret of prayer is God affirming your life.

Existence | God | Life | Life | Nothing | Prayer | Wisdom | Witness | God |

Jeremy Taylor

Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit; and our wandering thoughts in prayer are but the neglects of meditation and recessions from that duty; according as we neglect meditation, so are our prayers imperfect, meditation being the soul of prayer and the intention of our spirit.

Duty | Intention | Language | Meditation | Neglect | Prayer | Soul | Spirit | Wisdom |