Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Richard Cecil

A contemplative life has more the appearance of a life of piety than any other; but it is the divine plan to bring faith into activity and exercise.

Appearance | Faith | Life | Life | Piety | Plan | Wisdom |

Nicholas Murray Butler

There are five tests of the evidence of education - correctness and precision in the use of the mother tongue; refined and gentle manners, the result of fixed habits of thought and action; sound standards of appreciation of beauty and of worth, and a character based on those standards; power and habit of reflection, efficiency or the power to do.

Action | Appreciation | Beauty | Character | Correctness | Education | Efficiency | Evidence | Habit | Manners | Mother | Power | Precision | Reflection | Sound | Thought | Wisdom | Worth | Precision | Appreciation | Beauty | Thought |

Joan Brown Campbell

The violence that surrounds us in our streets and in our homes and in our world is evidence that we have succumbed to the temptation of the desert. We face and deep and profound spiritual crisis.

Evidence | Temptation | Wisdom | World | Temptation |

Richard Cecil

How simply I can trust in man, and how little in God! How unreasonable is a pure act of faith in one like ourselves, if we cannot repose the same faith in God.

Faith | God | Little | Man | Repose | Trust | Wisdom |

George Barrell Cheever

For health and the constant enjoyment of life, give me a keen and ever present sense of humor; it is the next best thing to an abiding faith in providence.

Enjoyment | Faith | Health | Humor | Life | Life | Present | Providence | Sense | Wisdom |

William R. Catton, Jr.

To keep from gravitating toward genocidal conflict, we must stop demanding perpetual progress. For quiet nonpolitical reasons, governments and politicians cannot achieve the paradise they habitually promise. Political leaders who continue to dangle before their constituents enticing carrots that are becoming unattainable hasten the erosion of faith in political processes. Circumstances have ceased to be what they were when the once-New World’s myth of limitlessness made sense.

Circumstances | Faith | Myth | Paradise | Progress | Promise | Quiet | Sense | Wisdom | World |

Horace Bushnell

Anxiety is a word of unbelief or unreasoning dread. We have no right to allow it. Full faith in God puts it to rest.

Anxiety | Anxiety | Dread | Faith | God | Rest | Right | Unbelief | Wisdom | God |

Theodore Cuyler, fully Theodore Ledyard Cuyler

It is the easiest thing in the world for us to obey God when He command us to do what we like, and to trust Him when the path is all sunshine. The real victory of faith is to trust God in the dark, and through the dark. Let us be assured of this, that if the lesson and the rod are of His appointing, and that His all-wise love has engineered the deep tunnel of trial on the heavenward road, He will never desert us during the discipline. The vital thing for us is not to deny and desert Him.

Discipline | Faith | God | Lesson | Love | Trust | Will | Wisdom | Wise | World | Trial | God |

John Dewey

The future of religion is connected with the possibility of developing a faith in the possibilities of human experience and human relationships that will create a vital sense of the solidarity of human interests and inspire action to make that sense a reality.

Action | Experience | Faith | Future | Reality | Religion | Sense | Will | Wisdom |

Theodore Cuyler, fully Theodore Ledyard Cuyler

Tears never yet saved a soul. Hell is full of weepers weeping over lost opportunities, perhaps over the rejection of an offered Saviour. Your Bible does not say, “Weep, and be saved.” It says, “Believe, and be saved.” Faith is better than feeling.

Better | Bible | Faith | Hell | Soul | Tears | Wisdom | Bible |

Samuel Hanson Cox

The faith that only reaches to the head, will never sanctify the heart.

Faith | Heart | Will | Wisdom |

John Dewey

"Faith is tendency toward action." According to such a view, faith is the matrix of formulated creeds and the inspiration of endeavor... Faith in its newer sense signifies that experience itself is the sole ultimate authority.

Action | Authority | Experience | Faith | Inspiration | Sense | Wisdom |

Frederick W. Cropp

There is much in the world to make us afraid. There is much more in our faith to make us unafraid.

Faith | Wisdom | World |

Tyron Edwards

Duty performed gives clearness and firmness to faith, and faith becomes the more assured and satisfying to the soul.

Duty | Faith | Firmness | Soul | Wisdom |

Tyron Edwards

Ridicule may be the evidence of wit or bitterness and may gratify a little mind, or an ungenerous temper, but it is no test of reason and truth.

Bitterness | Evidence | Little | Mind | Reason | Ridicule | Temper | Truth | Wisdom | Wit |

Tyron Edwards

Right actions for the future are the best apologies for wrong ones in the past - the best evidence of regret for them that we can offer, or the world receives.

Evidence | Future | Past | Regret | Right | Wisdom | World | Wrong |

Thomas Dreier

All progress is made by men of faith who believe in what is right and, what is more important, actually do what is right in their own private affairs. You cannot add to the peace and goodwill of the world if you fail to create an atmosphere of harmony and love right where you live and work.

Faith | Harmony | Important | Love | Men | Peace | Progress | Right | Wisdom | Work | World |

Fyodor Dostoevsky, fully Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky or Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski

Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally, he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses only to justify his logic.

Abstract | Evidence | Justify | Logic | Man | Truth | Wisdom |

Ximénès Doudan

The doubts of an honest man contain more moral truth than the profession of faith of people under a worldly yoke.

Faith | Man | People | Truth | Wisdom |