Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Italian Proverbs

Out of a great evil often comes a great good.

Order | Universe |

Italian Proverbs

Much water passes by the mill that the miller perceives not.

Need | War |

Italian Proverbs

Necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant.

Universe |

Italian Proverbs

One enemy is too many and a hundred friends aren't enough.

Learning | Need | Will | Teacher |

Italian Proverbs

The devil is bad because he is old.

Ability | Age | Art | Control | Culture | Humor | Memory | Need | Time | Work | World | Art |

Italian Proverbs

The fruit of a good tree is also good.

Need | People | Understand |

Italian Proverbs

The light is painful to sore eyes.

God | Religion | Respect | Will | Respect | God |

Italian Proverbs

The thief's wife does not always laugh.

Energy | Family | Little | Need | People | Regulation | Old |

Italian Proverbs

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Need |

Italian Proverbs

Two women and a goose make a market.

Doubt | Irony | Life | Life | Means | Need | Plenty | Self | Superiority | Understanding | Work | World | Afraid |

Italian Proverbs

When a wife sins the husband is never innocent.

Education | Ideas | Justify | Knowledge | Learning | Literature | Need | People | Question | Study | Virtue | Virtue | Will | Value |

Italian Proverbs

The world wags on with three things: doing, undoing, and pretending.

Ability | Adventure | Character | Comfort | Convictions | Daring | Ideas | Injustice | Injustice | Love | Man | Men | Qualities | Sound | Suffering | Talking | Time | Universe | Will | Witness | Blessed | Old | Winning |

Italian Proverbs

Very seldom does any good thing arise but there comes an ugly phantom of a caricature of it.

Birth | Childhood | Death | Irony | Paradox | Religion | Time | Work |

Italian Proverbs

What shall I say when it is better to say nothing?

Body | Men | Mind | Reason |

Italian Proverbs

The world is governed with little brains.

Need |

Italian Proverbs

Who by himself can do anything, do not wait for others to do.

Commitment | Good | Means | Mystery | Object | Religion |

Italian Proverbs

Two cocks in one yard do not agree.

Battle | Commitment | Faith | Need | Public | Reality | Religion | Will | Guilty |

Italian Proverbs

Water past will not turn the mill.

Body | Wrong |