Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Italian Proverbs

War makes robbers, and peace hangs them.

Authenticity | Good | Life | Life | Meaning | Means | Mystery | Thought | Worth | Thought |

Italian Proverbs

Who has no money must have no wishes.

Men | Worry |

Italian Proverbs

When all men say you are an ass it is time to bray.

Failure | Future | Life | Life | Mistake | Present | Purpose | Purpose | Question | Right | Failure |

Italian Proverbs

Who has no shame all the world is his own.

Power |

Italian Proverbs

The world wags on with three things: doing, undoing, and pretending.

Ability | Adventure | Character | Comfort | Convictions | Daring | Ideas | Injustice | Injustice | Love | Man | Men | Qualities | Sound | Suffering | Talking | Time | Universe | Will | Witness | Blessed | Old | Winning |

Italian Proverbs

Who has patience sees his revenge.

Enough | Nature |

Italian Proverbs

When a man has fallen into the mire, the more he flounders the more he fouls himself.

Dishonesty | Life | Life | Little | People | Reason | Self | Sense | Truth | Words | Think |

Italian Proverbs

Who hath no courage must have legs.

Events | War |

Italian Proverbs

The more one knows, the less one believes.

Heart | Love | Will | Think |

Italian Proverbs

There's no getting to heaven in a coach.

Censor | Fear | People | Think |

Italian Proverbs

What shall I say when it is better to say nothing?

Body | Men | Mind | Reason |

Italian Proverbs

The mother of idiots is always pregnant.

Fear |

Italian Proverbs

Water, smoke, and a vicious woman, drive men out of the house.

Life | Life |

Italian Proverbs

The woman who gives is seldom good; the woman who accepts is in the power of the giver.

Men |

Italian Proverbs

There's no place like home.

Government | Past | War | Government | Propaganda |

Italian Proverbs

Today me, tomorrow thee.

Individual | People | Power |

Italian Proverbs

To move heaven and earth.

War | Will | Value |

Italian Proverbs

The poor is hated by his neighbor, but the rich hath many friends.

Better | Life | Life | Understand |

Italian Proverbs

When wine sinks, words swim.

Atheism | Better | Commitment | God | Life | Life | Reason | Right | Story | Suffering | Truth | Unique | God |