This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
When in trouble first of all every one himself should do his best to improve his condition.
Where god has a church the devil will have his chapel.
People | Personality |
Voice of one, voice of none.
Belief | Distinguish | Ethics | God | Human nature | Inevitable | Life | Life | Morality | Nature | Need | Philosophy | Reason | Will | Wrong | God |
Who by himself can do anything, do not wait for others to do.
When house and land are gone and spent, then learning is most excellent.
Childhood | People | Personality |
When the danger is past God is cheated.
Absence | Atheism | Awareness | Awe | Cause | Fortune | Good | Gratitude | Ideas | Important | Insight | Language | Life | Life | Majority | Man | Myth | Need | Nothing | Object | Power | Prosperity | Question | Reality | Religion | Reputation | Reverence | Right | Sacred | Sense | Truth | Understanding | World | Awareness | Understand |