This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.
All government, all exercise of power, no matter in what form, which is not based in love and directed by knowledge, is a tyranny.
No man ever made a great discovery without the exercise of the imagination.
Discovery | Imagination | Man | Wisdom | Discovery |
We are born with faculties and powers capable of almost anything, such as at least would carry us further than can be easily imagined; but it is only the exercise of those powers which gives us ability and skill in anything, and leads us towards perfection.
Ability | Perfection | Skill | Wisdom |
This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.
Government | People | Right | Wisdom |
Can a man control his future? Yes. Despite the system they live under, men everywhere have, I believe, more power over the future than ever before. The important thing is that we must choose to exercise it. What we do today determines how the world shall go, for tomorrow is made up of the sum total of today's experiences... Far from feeling hopeless or helpless, we must seize every opportunity, however small, to help the world around us toward peace, productivity and human brotherhood.
Brotherhood | Control | Future | Important | Man | Men | Opportunity | Peace | Power | System | Tomorrow | Wisdom | World |
William Ramsay, fully Sir William Ramsay
The noblest exercise of the mind within doors, and most befitting a person of quality, is study.
Law being purely the declaration of the general will, it is clear that, in the exercise of the legislative power, the people cannot be represented; but in that of the executive power, which is only the force that is applied to giver the law effect, it both can and should be represented.
Alexis de Tocqueville, fully Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville
Men are not corrupted by the exercise of power or debased by the habit of obedience, but by the exercise of a power which they believe to be illegitimate, and by obedience to a rule which they consider to be usurped and oppressive.
John M. Wilson, fully John Moulder Wilson
Are you willing to think? Consider carefully, for the answer to that question will largely determine your success or failure in life. If you develop your judgment, use it. Exercise your power of judgment as often as you can, for the first rule of good judgment is practice. The functions of your mind, no less than the muscles of your body, receive their strength through repeated use.
Body | Failure | Good | Judgment | Life | Life | Mind | Power | Practice | Question | Receive | Rule | Strength | Success | Will | Wisdom | Failure |
Winston Churchill, fully Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill
The glory of human nature lies in our seeming capacity to exercise conscious control of our own destiny.
Capacity | Control | Destiny | Glory | Human nature | Nature |
The very exercise of leadership fosters capacity for it.
Capacity | Leadership |
I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.
Control | Discretion | Education | Enough | People | Safe | Society | Society | Think |
The evil of the Holocaust was realized through the exercise of a certain kind of power – coercive power. It was a power that sought to dominate and control. It was a power legitimated through law, buttressed by propaganda, augmented by terror, and affected through all the institutions of society.
Business more than any other occupation is a continual dealing with the future; it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight.
Business | Foresight | Future | Occupation |