This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
The male form of a female liberationist is a male liberationist - a man who realizes the unfairness of having to work all his life to support a wife and children so that someday his widow may live in comfort, a man who points out that commuting to a job he doesn’t like is just as oppressive as his wife’s imprisonment in a suburb, a man who rejects his exclusion, by society and most women, from participation in childbirth and the engrossing, delightful care of young children - a man, in fact, who wants to relate himself to people and the world around him.
Care | Children | Comfort | Life | Life | Man | People | Society | Unfairness | Wants | Wife | Work | World | Society |
Walter Raleigh, fully Sir Walter Raleigh
What thou givest after thy death, remember that thou givest it to a stranger, and most times to an enemy; for he that shall marry thy wife will despise thee, thy memory and thine, and shall possess the quiet of thy labors, the fruit which thou hast planted, enjoy thy love, and spend with joy and ease what thou hast spared and gotten with care and travail.
Care | Death | Despise | Enemy | Joy | Love | Memory | Quiet | Wife | Will |
Thomas De Quincey, fully Thomas Penson De Quincey
In many walks of life, a conscience is a more expensive encumbrance than a wife or a carriage.
Conscience | Life | Life | Wife |
If you would have a good wife marry one who has been a good daughter.
Unhappy is the man for whom his own wife has not made all other women sacred.
Bertrand Russell, fully Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell
I believe marriage to be the best and most important relation that can exist between two human beings. If it has not often been realized hitherto, that is chiefly because husband and wife have regarded themselves as each other’s policeman. If marriage is to achieve its possibilities, husbands and wives must learn to understand that whatever the law may say, in their private lives they must be free.
Husband | Important | Law | Marriage | Wife | Learn | Understand |
Dolores Ibarruri, aka “La Pasaonaria”
It is better to be the widow of a hero than the wife of a coward.
Hubert Humphrey, fully Hubert Horatio Humphrey
Behind every successful man is a proud wife and a surprised mother-in-law.
Jerome K. Jerome, fully Jerome Klapka Jerome
Too much of anything is a mistake, as the man said when his wife presented him with four new healthy children in one day. We should practice moderation in all matters.
Children | Man | Moderation | Practice | Wife | Moderation |
Lucretia Mott, fully Lucretia Coffin Mott
In the true married relationship, the independence of husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal.
Dependence | Husband | Wife | Will |
Western man has tried for too many centuries to fool himself that he lives in a rational world. No. There's a story about a man who, while walking along the street, was almost hit on the head and killed by an enormous falling beam. This was his moment of realization that he did not live in a rational world but a world in which men's lives can be cut off by a random blow on the head, and the discovery shook him so deeply that he was impelled to leave his wife and children, who were the major part of his old, rational world. My own response to the wild unpredictability of the universe has been to write stories, to play the piano, to read, listen to music, look at paintings - not that the world may become explainable and reasonable but that I may rejoice in the freedom which unaccountability gives us.
Discovery | Freedom | Man | Play | Story | Universe | Wife | World | Discovery |
Michel de Montaigne, fully Lord Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.
Mary Eliza Haweis, aka Mrs. Hugh R. Haweis, maiden name Mary E. Joy
The single woman's part in life may be a noble one; she may elevate herself and help others, but her's must always be a second place.—She is never fulfilling the part nature intended her to fulfil; but the wife and mother is the crowned queen.
Nāgārjuna, fully Acharya Nāgārjuna NULL
When your eyes are fixed in the stare of unconsciousness, and your throat coughs the last gasping breath, as one dragged in the dark to a great precipice, what assistance are a wife and child?
Wife |
Ouida, pseudonym of Maria Louise Ramé, preferred to be called Marie Louise de la Ramée NULL
Is there a more pitiable spectacle than that of a wife contending with others for that charm in her husband's sight which no philters and no prayers can renew when once it has fled forever?
Wife |
Osho, born Chandra Mohan Jain, also known as Acharya Rajneesh and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh NULL
Relationship is a mirror. Wherever you are related with a person — a wife, a husband, a friend, a lover, an enemy — a mirror is there. The wife mirrors the husband. You can see yourself there, and if you see an ugly husband, don’t try to leave your wife — the ugliness is in you. Drop that ugliness! This mirror is beautiful, and be thankful to this mirror. But stupid and cowardly people always escape and renounce; brave and wise people always live in relationship, and use it as a mirror. Living with someone is a constant mirroring around you. Every moment the other reveals you, exposes you. The closer the relationship, the clearer is the mirror: the more distant the relationship, the mirror is not so clear.