This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Franz Werfel, fully Franz Viktor Werfel
Skeptic always rhymes with septic; the spirit died of intellectual poisoning.
Spirit |
Lu Xun, or Lu Hsün, pen name of Zhou Shuren
If there are still men who really want to live in this world, they should first dare to speak out, to laugh, to cry, to be angry, to accuse, to fight – that they may at least cleanse this accursed place of its accursed atmosphere!
Lu Xun, or Lu Hsün, pen name of Zhou Shuren
Young people, what need have you to follow the trendy slogans of these intellectual leaders? You ought better to gather some comrades and pool together all you energies; go forward in one common impetus, following what appears to be the path of survival. All together you will never be short of strength. If you encounter a deep forest, you can always hack your way through; you can open up the wilderness; you can dig wells in the desert. Why should you stick to old ruts and beg for guidance of these wretched guides?
Better | Guidance | Need | People | Strength | Survival | Will | Following | Guidance | Old |
As we have seen over and over again, whenever church and state enter into partnership, human freedom is restricted, intellectual growth is stifled, and education is formalized and routinized to exclude and smother innovation and creativity.
Church | Creativity | Education | Freedom | Growth | Innovation |
Abigail Van Buren, pen name for Pauline Phillips and now daughter Jeanne Phillips
The best index to a person's character is (a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can't fight back.
It is often easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.