Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

William Ellery Channing

Contempt of all outward things that come in competition with duty fulfills the ideal of human greatness. It is sanctioned by conscience, that universal and eternal lawgiver, whose chief principle is, that everything must be yielded up for right.

Character | Competition | Conscience | Contempt | Duty | Eternal | Greatness | Right |

Anna Jameson

The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself.

Character | Competition | Man | Wise |

Walter Savage Landor

Every sect is a moral check on its neighbor. Competition is as wholesome in religion as in commerce.

Commerce | Competition | Religion | Wisdom |

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, aka "Pat"

Liberty and Equality are the twin ideals of American democracy. But they are not the same thing... Many person who would gladly die for liberty are appalled by equality. Many who are devoted to equality are puzzled and even troubled by liberty. Much of the political history of the American nation can be seen as a competition between these two ideals.

Competition | Democracy | Equality | History | Ideals | Liberty | Wisdom |

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Insatiable ambition, the thirst of raising their respective fortunes, not so much from real want as from the desire to surpass others, inspired all men with a vile propensity to injure one another, and with a secret jealousy, which is the more dangerous, as it puts on the mask of benevolence, to carry its point with greater security. In a word, there arose rivalry and competition on the one hand, and conflicting interests on the other, together with a secret desire on both of profiting at the expense of others. All these evils were the first effects of property, and the inseparable attendants of growing inequality.

Ambition | Benevolence | Competition | Desire | Inequality | Jealousy | Men | Property | Rivalry | Security | Wisdom |

Melvin Tolson, fully Melvin Beaunorus Tolson

The white man’s civilization with its inhuman economic competition and rugged individualism has produced millions of physical and mental wrecks. It has produced enough vices to fill Dante’s hell. Nine-tenths of the people who reach forty are suffering from shattered nerves.

Civilization | Competition | Enough | Hell | Man | People | Suffering | Wisdom |

Jonathan Weiner

We talk about a space race. There is a space race down here on the ground. In this race every human being is superpower and the competition no longer stands a chance. Other species are bound to this or that patch of turf, and this planet. We feel bound to no patch of turn on Earth, bound only for the stars. We sacrifice a marsh, a bay, a park, a lake. We sacrifice a sparrow. We trade one countdown for another.

Chance | Competition | Earth | Race | Sacrifice | Space | Wisdom |

Robert E. Carter, fully Robert Edgar Carter

What is wrong with our culture is that it often offers us an inaccurate conception of the self. It depicts the personal self as existing in competition with and in opposition with and in opposition to nature. We thereby fail to realize that if we destroy our environment, we are destroying what is in fact our larger self.

Competition | Culture | Destroy | Nature | Opposition | Self | Wrong |

Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America NULL

The principle of competition appears to be nothing more than a partially conventionalized embodiment of primeval selfishness... the supremacy of the motive of self-interest... The Christian conscience can be satisfied with nothing less than the complete substitution of motives of mutual helpfulness and goodwill for the motive of private gain.

Competition | Conscience | Helpfulness | Motives | Nothing | Self | Self-interest | Selfishness |

Tom Gregory

Our society has progressed largely because of our creativity and inquisitiveness – and because we’re competitive. We’re driven by the desire to develop products and services which are more ingenious than what others have put forth. Competition is inherently good, but when it is tainted with excess greed or negative motives, there can be harmful results. How we compete is very important to our Souls.

Competition | Creativity | Desire | Excess | Good | Greed | Important | Inquisitiveness | Motives | Society | Society |

Anna Jameson, fully Anna Brownell Jameson

The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself.

Competition | Man | Wise |

Anthony Lewis

The press has its own version of Gresham’s Law: the tendency, in the competition for readers, to let the scandalous and sensational drive out serious news.

Competition | Law | News |

Betsy Taylor

Many Americans draw the boundaries of their self-interest very narrowly. Our culture's emphasis on individualism and competition reinforces an attitude of isolation and impotence toward global problems.

Competition | Culture | Global | Isolation | Problems | Self | Self-interest |

Alan Cohen

This sharpening of skills is the real value of competition. Many have lost sight of the purpose of healthy competition, which helps us to draw forth inner strength and encourages us to transcend our ideas of personal limitation. The real competition, however, is within the person, and not between people... In essence, competition is cooperation.

Competition | Cooperation | Ideas | People | Purpose | Purpose | Strength | Value |

Bertrand Russell, fully Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell

Almost all education has a political motive: It aims at strengthening some group, national or religious or even social, in the competition with other groups. It is the motive, in the main, which determines the subjects taught, the knowledge offered and the knowledge withheld, and also decides what mental habits the pupils are expected to acquire. Hardly anything is done to foster the inward growth of mind and spirit; in fact, those who have most education are very often atrophied in their mental and spiritual life.

Aims | Competition | Education | Growth | Knowledge | Life | Life | Mind | Spirit |