Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Robert Service, fully Robert William Service

If you had a friend strong, simple, true, Who knew your faults and who understood; Who believed in the very best of you, And who cared for you as a father would; Who would stick by you to the very end, Who would smile however the world might frown: I'm sure you would try to please your friend, You never would think to throw him down. And supposing your friend was high and great, And he lived in a palace rich and tall, And sat like a King in shining state, And his praise was loud on the lips of all; Well then, when he turned to you alone, And he singled you out from all the crowd, And he called you up to his golden throne, Oh, wouldn't you just be jolly proud? If you had a friend like this, I say, So sweet and tender, so strong and true, You'd try to please him in every way, You'd live at your bravest -- now, wouldn't you? His worth would shine in the words you penned; You'd shout his praises . . . yet now it's odd! You tell me you haven't got such a friend; You haven't? I wonder . . . What of God?

Father | Friend | Praise | Smile | Wonder | Words | World | Worth | Think |

Rinzai, aka Lin- Chi Yi-Sen, Lin-chi I-hsuan, Rinzai Gigen, Venerable Master Lin Chi NULL

Followers of the Way, you each have a father and mother. So what more do you seek? Turn round and look into yourselves.

Father |

Salomon ibn Gabirol, aka Solomon ben Judah or Avicebron

Unworthy am I of all the mercies and all the truth Which Thou hast wrought for Thy servant. Verily, O Lord my God, will I thank Thee For that Thou hast given me a holy soul, Though by my deeds I have defiled it, Polluted and profaned it with my evil inclination. But I know that if I wrought wickedly, I harmed but myself, never Thee. In sooth, at my right hand my fierce inclination As an adversary standeth, Allowing me no breathing-space to establish my tranquillity. Oft have I purposed with double bridle to lead him, From the sea of his lusts to dry land to restore him, But I could not prevail. My devices he baulked, made profanities flow from my lips. I think thoughts of simplicity, he fabricates guile and iniquity, I am for peace, and he is for war, To the point that he made me his footstool, And even in peace-time shed the blood of war. How oft have I sallied forth to combat against him, And set in battle-array My camp of service and repentance, And placed the host of Thy mercies beside me for auxiliary, For I said, if my evil inclination Shall come to one camp and shall smite it, Then the camp that is left shall escape. As I thought, so it was. For temptation has routed me and scattered my forces, So that there is nothing left me but the camp of Thy mercies. But yet I know that by these I shall overcome it, And they shall be unto me better than a city of refuge. Peradventure I shall prevail and smite it and drive it away.

Art | Cunning | Discipline | Distress | Evil | Father | God | Good | Judgment | Law | Light | Mother | Plenty | Rest | Soul | Spirit | Teach | Time | Wisdom | Hardship | Trouble | Art | God |

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In Koln, a town of monks and bones, And pavement fang'd with murderous stones, And rags and hags, and hideous wenches, I counted two-and-seventy stenches, All well defined, and several stinks! Ye nymphs that reign o'er sewers and sinks, The River Rhine, it is well known, Doth wash your city of Cologne; But tell me, nymphs! what power divine Shall henceforth whash the river Rhine.

Eternal | Evil | Father | Grace | Health | Hope | Love | Mother | Reverence | Strength |

Ronald A. Heifetz

The threat of coercion is part of the authorization we give to the traffic police, for example, to prevent accidents at dangerous intersections. Not only do we want that threat to inhibit the impulses of other drivers, we also look to it at times to bridle out own.

Father | Learning | Mother | Psychoanalysis | Relationship |

Rudyard Kipling

When the Hymalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride, He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside. But the she-bear thus accosted, rends the peasant tooth and nail,For the female of the species is more deadly than the male. 

Devil | Father | Joy | World |

Rumi, fully Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rumi NULL

You knock at the door of Reality. You shake your thought wings, loosen your shoulders, and open.

Father | Kill | Reality |

Russian Proverbs

If you make a fool to pray to God, he will hurt (both his) forehead (and other people's toes).

Father | Will |

Sadhu Sundar Singh

God's patience is infinite. Men, like small kettles, boil quickly with wrath at the least wrong. Not so God. If God were as wrathful, the world would have been a heap of ruins long ago.

Day | Earth | Father | God | Heaven | Life | Life | Will | God |

S.G. Tallentyre, nom de plume for Evelyn Beatrice Hall

A Platonic friendship is perhaps only possible when one or other of the Platonists is in love with a third person.

Danger | Eternal | Father | Knowledge | Life | Life | Sacrifice | Soul | Danger | Guilty |

Saint Catherine of Siena NULL

And you may be certain of this — unless you really are more ignorant than anyon — that the arm of holy Church, though it may well be weak, is not broken. From its weakness this arm always emerges strengthened, as do those who stay close to it.

Eternal | Father | Soul |

Saint Francis of Assisi, born Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone NULL

The secret consciousness of duty well performed; the public voice of praise that honors virtue, and rewards it; all these are yours.

Children | Eternal | Father | Hate | Life | Life | Lord | Mother | Receive | Rule | Wife | Will | Wishes |

Saint Catherine of Siena NULL

O unfathomable depth! O Deity eternal! O deep ocean! What more could You give me than to give me Yourself? You are an ever-burning Fire; You consume and are not consumed. By Your fire, You consume every trace of self-love in the soul. You are a Fire which drives away all coldness and illumines minds with its light, and with this light You have made known Your truth. Truly this light is a sea which feeds the soul until it is all immersed in You, O peaceful Sea, eternal Trinity! The water of this sea is never turbid; it never causes fear, but gives knowledge of the truth. This water is transparent and discloses hidden things; and a living faith gives such abundance of light that the soul almost attains to certitude in what it believes.

Eternal | Father | Order | Following |

Saint Francis of Assisi, born Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone NULL

Our actions are our own; their consequences belong to Heaven.

Father |

Saint John of the Cross, born Juan de Yepes Álvarez NULL

God sustains every soul and dwells in it substantially, even though it be that of the greatest sinner in the world, and this union is natural. The supernatural union exists when God’s will and the soul’s will are in conformity. Therefore the soul rests transformed in God through love. The illumination of the soul and its union with God corresponds to its purity.

Attentiveness | Father | God | Light | Nothing | Solitude | Soul | Spirit | Will | God |

Saint Francis of Assisi, born Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone NULL

That person sins who wishes to receive more from his neighbor than what he is willing to give of himself to the Lord God.

Example | Father | Will | Blessed |

Saint Francis of Assisi, born Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone NULL

Let us, therefore, have charity and humility and give alms because it washes the stains of our sins from our clothes. For people lose everything they leave behind in this world; but they carry with them the rewards of charity and the alms which they gave, for which they will have a reward and a just retribution from the Lord.

Beginning | Cause | Day | Desire | Eternal | Father | Good | Hope | Love | Nothing | Praise | Time | Blessed |

Saint Francis de Sales NULL

Do not lose your inward peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.

Care | Father | Fear | Peace | Strength | Suffering | Tomorrow | Will |