Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

John Wesley

What is Christian perfection? The loving God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. This implies that no wrong temper, none contrary to love, remains in the soul; and that all the thoughts, words, and actions are governed by pure love.

God | Heart | Love | Mind | Perfection | Soul | Strength | Temper | Words | Wrong | God |

Gary Ryan Blair

Doing the right thing, for the right reasons, is the right way to live a successful life. Doing the wrong thing, for the wrong reasons, is the wrong way to go about the business of life.

Business | Life | Life | Right | Wrong | Business |

Roger Birkman

The reality of life is that your perceptions -- right or wrong -- influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place.

Influence | Life | Life | Reality | Right | Wrong |

Frank Barron

The willingness to take the risk of being wrong and perhaps subjected to ridicule, punishment, or loss is an outstanding trait of the creative person. Such action does not mean to behave on foolish impulse, but to calculate the risks and then to take a chance.

Action | Chance | Impulse | Punishment | Ridicule | Risk | Wrong | Loss |

Michael Friedlander

There are many more wrong answers than right ones, and they are easier to find.

Right | Wrong |

Abraham Joshua Heschel

When The conscience is ... A brake, not a guide; a fence, not a way. It raises its voice after a wrong deed has been committed, but often fails to give us direction in advance of our actions.

Conscience | Wrong |

John Gottman and Nan Silver

One of the most meaningful gifts a parent can give a child is to admit her own mistake: to say, "I was wrong here," or, "I'm sorry."

Mistake | Wrong | Child | Parent |

Greg Trevor

When driving down the road of life, and you see all these headlights coming your way, don't wonder why everyone else is going the wrong way.

Life | Life | Wonder | Wrong |

Alan Cohen

Suffering is born of wrong thinking. The root of pain is error in perception . There can be no error in Truth, only errors in the perception of Truth. If you yearn to end human suffering, know, then, what is Real, for this Knowledge is the only source of invincible faith.

Error | Faith | Knowledge | Pain | Perception | Suffering | Thinking | Truth | Wrong |

Aristotle NULL

It would be wrong to put friendship before truth.

Truth | Wrong | Friendship |

Arthur W Osborn

How much happier would the religious history of the world been if the different religions and sects had seen their role as contributors to a common stream of seeking for the Ultimate, which always escapes the conceptual net, yet perennially inspires the search. Actually many in the modern world are becoming tolerant toward religion in the wrong way. Their tolerance is not a product of understanding but is bred of indifference. They see the conventional forms in which religion is practiced as empty shells although they excite in their defense belligerent intolerance.

Defense | History | Indifference | Intolerance | Religion | Search | Understanding | World | Wrong |

Author Unknown NULL

To face the inevitable is to confront something sacred. As long as anything is uncertain, the roads are open in more than one direction, and right and wrong may have many aspects. But let the issue be determined, let the die be cast, and acceptance and adjustment become our immediate duty. Until God’s will be known, we may work and wrestle and pry to carry our point, to save the day, to win the prize, spurred only the more by the uncertainty; of the result. But let the result be known, however dark and disappointing, and we should view it in the light of God’s plan to make us His evident children, and ask what we are to learn, what next we are to do.

Acceptance | Children | Day | Duty | God | Inevitable | Light | Plan | Right | Sacred | Uncertainty | Will | Work | Wrong |

Author Unknown NULL

Confess that you were wrong yesterday; it will show that you are wise today.

Will | Wise | Wrong |

Author Unknown NULL

An approximate answer to the right question is worth a great deal more than a precise answer to the wrong question."

Question | Right | Worth | Wrong |

Author Unknown NULL

What is the use of running when you are on the wrong road?

Wrong |