Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.


"Example is more forcible than precept." - Richard Cecil

"Hypocrisy is folly. It is much easier, safer, and pleasanter to be the thing which a man aims to appear, than to keep up the appearance of what he is not." - Richard Cecil

"If there is any person whom you dislike, that is the one of whom you should never speak." - Richard Cecil

"The very heart and root of sin is in an independent spirit. We erect the idol self; and not only wish others to worship, but worship ourselves." - Richard Cecil

"To love to preach is one thing - to love those to whom we preach, quite another." - Richard Cecil

"We are too fond of our own will; we want to be doing what we fancy mighty things: but the great point is to do small things, when called to them, in a right spirit." - Richard Cecil

"One can pass on responsibility, but not the discretion that goes with it." - Benvenuto Cellini

"Among the attributes of God, although they are all equal, mercy shines with even more brilliancy than justice." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"An honest man's word is as good as his bond." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Diligence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness — its opposite — never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Every one in his own house and God in all of them." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Every one is responsible for his own acts." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"He is best served who has no occasion to put the hand of others at the end of his arms." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"History is the depository of great actions, the witness of what is past, the example and instructor of the present, and monitor to the future." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Honesty is the best policy, I will stick to that. The good shall have my hand and heart, but the bad neither foot nor fellowship. And in my mind, the main point of governing, is to make a good beginning." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"If thou takes virtue for the rule of life, and valuest thyself upon acting in all things comfortably thereto, thou wilt have no cause to envy lords and princes; for blood is inherited, but virtue is common property and may be acquired by all; it has, moreover, an intrinsic worth, which blood has not." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"It is better that a judge should lean on the side of compassion than severity." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Jealousy sees things always with magnifying glasses which make little things large, of dwarfs giants, of suspicions truths." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Journey all over the universe in a map, without the expense and fatigue of traveling, without suffering the inconveniences of heat, cold, hunger, and thirst." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Our greatest foes, and whom we must chiefly combat, are within." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Sloth never arrived at the attainment of a good wish." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Strive to know thyself, the most difficult thing to know that can be imagined." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Take away the motive, and you take away the sin." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application. " - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"The knowledge of thyself will preserve thee from vanity." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"The mean of true valor lies between the extremes of cowardice and rashness." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"There is a time for some things, and a time for all things; a time for great things, and a time for small things." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"There is no remembrance which time does not obliterate, nor pain which death does not terminate." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Three things too much and three too little are pernicious to man: to speak much and know little; to spend much and have little; to presume much and be worth little." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Truth may be stretched, but cannot be broken, and always gets above falsehood, as oil does above water." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"When in doubt, lean to the side of mercy." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Where there is much love, there are usually but few freedoms." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"Whoever undertakes a long Journey, if he be wise, makes it his Business to find out an agreeable Companion. How cautious then should He be, who is to take a Journey for Life, whose Fellow-Traveler must not part with him but at the Grave; his Companion at Bed and Board and Sharer of all the Pleasures and Fatigues of his Journey; as the Wife must be to the Husband! She is no such Sort of Ware, that a Man can be rid of when he pleases: When once that’s purchas’d, no Exchange, no Sale, no Alienation can be made: She is an inseparable Accident to Man: Marriage is a Noose, which, fasten’d about the Neck, runs the closer, and fits more uneasy by our struggling to get loose: ‘Tis a Gordian Knot which none can unty, and being twisted with our Thread of Life, nothing but the Schyth of Death can cut it." - Miguel de Cervantes, fully Miguel de Cervantes Saaversa

"The only thing that is really difficult is to prove what one believes." -

"Winners never quit; quitters never win." - Florence May Chadwick

"Work isn't to make money; you work to justify life." - Marc Chagall, born Moishe Shagal

"True compassion is utterly neutral and is moved by suffering of every sort, not tied to right and wrong, attachment and aversion." - Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

"Customs out of time and place cannot maintain themselves." - Zvi Hirsch Chajes

"Crises refine life. In them you discover what you are." - Allan Chalmers, fully Allan Knight Chalmers

"Write your name in kindness, love, and mercy on the hearts of thousands you come in contact with year by year, and you will never be forgotten. Your name and your good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven." - Allan Chalmers, fully Allan Knight Chalmers

"Acts of virtue ripen into habits; and the goodly and permanent result is the formation or establishment of a virtuous character." - Thomas Chalmers

"Benevolence is not in word and in tongue, but in deed and in truth. It is a business with men as they are, and with human life as drawn by the rough hand of experience. It is a duty which you must perform at the call of principle; though there be no voice of eloquence to give splendor to your exertions, and no music of poetry to lead your willing footsteps through the bowers of enchantment. It is not the impulse of high and ecstatic emotion. It is an exertion of principle. :You must go to the poor man’s cottage, though no verdure flourish around it, the gentleness of its murmurs. If you look for the romantic simplicity of fiction you will be disappointed; but it is your duty to persevere in spite of every discouragement. Benevolence is not merely a feeling but a principle; not a dream of rapture for the fancy to indulge in, but a business for the hand to execute." - Thomas Chalmers

"Enthusiasm is a virtue rarely to be met with in seasons of calm and unruffled prosperity.—It flourishes in adversity, kindles in the hour of danger, and awakens to deeds of renown.—The terrors of persecution only serve to quicken the energy of its purposes.—It swells in proud integrity, and, great in the purity of its cause, it can scatter defiance amidst hosts of enemies." - Thomas Chalmers

"Guard against that vanity which courts a compliment, or is fed by it." - Thomas Chalmers