Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Serbian Proverbs


"Man learns as long as he lives, and yet dies a fool."

"Man shows his true face in three cases: in anger, in wealth, and in drunkenness."

"Many shovels are needed to bury the truth."

"Marriage without children is like a day without sunshine."

"Maybe he is naked, but he is an eagle."

"Maybe it is a hut, but it is ours."

"Measure twice and cut once."

"Mind is the king, force is the laborer."

"Misfortune comes fast and leaves slow."

"Money and the devil know no rest."

"Money has a quiet sound but is heard far."

"More force means more evil."

"Mother earth promised to tell her secrets to heaven."

"Mother in law doesn?t remember that she used to be a daughter in law."

"Much is gained by the one who doesn?t buy trinkets."

"Much time is needed to grow a man out of a child."

"Near the dry wood, the green wood burns too."

"No evil goes unnoticed."

"No health, no wealth."

"No knowledge without effort."

"No more wine ? no more talking, no more wealth ? no more friends."

"Nobody can shame anyone else until he shames himself."

"Nobody was born knowing."

"Nobody was born learned."

"Nothing worse than loneliness."

"Old age is disease from which everyone dies."

"Old woman gave one dollar to get into the dance she would give two to be able to get out."

"One crooked stick ruins the whole slew."

"One devil does not scratch out another devil's eyes."

"One who gets up early is doubly lucky."

"Other?s stuff is all nice, but own is the nicest."

"Patch the hole while still small."

"Peace pays what war wins."

"People are densely planted, but seldom grow."

"People meet based on clothes, but follow each other based on brains."

"Play your flute but put it back too."

"Poor is the one who has nobody of his own in troubled times."

"Poor is the wolf after which dogs don?t bark."

"Promises are fool?s joy."

"Protect the country from enemies, and wife from friends."

"Quick to believe is quickly deceived."

"Remorse is the medicine for every wrongdoing."

"Respect, if you want to be respected."

"Rich is the one who is not in debt and young the one."

"Rich person?s laughter and clear sky are not to be trusted, because they can change instantly."

"Rust eat the iron, sadness eats the heart."

"Sheep baa when they are thirsty, and people when they have drunk."

"Shortcut is short and roundabout is closer."

"Smart man gives, a donkey doesn?t."

"Solitude is full of God."