Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Serbian Proverbs


"Who doesn?t know until age of 20, doesn?t have until the age of 30, is a burden for his household."

"Who doesn?t listen to people, is not a man."

"Who doesn?t patch the old, doesn?t wear the new either."

"Who doesn?t pay with their hands, will pay with their soul."

"Who doesn?t want a brother for his brother, takes a stranger for the rules."

"Who follows other?s business, forgets his own."

"Who gets bit by a snake is afraid of a lizard."

"Who gets burned once, blows into cold."

"Who goes to the tavern, feeds other people?s children."

"Who has wine for dinner, he has water for breakfast."

"Who is not ashamed of people is also not afraid of God."

"Who is not ashamed of people, has no fear of people."

"Who lies twice, third time is not taken seriously."

"Who rides in another?s car, won?t get far."

"Who speaks a lot ? either knows a lot or lies a lot."

"Who spits at the sky, it falls on his cheek."

"Who wants more, loses what is already in the sack."

"Who you are with, that?s what you are like."

"Whoever doesn?t pay on the bridge, will pay on the bridgeworks."

"Whoever flies high, falls down low."

"Whoever gets to the girl first gets the girl."

"Whoever is crazy, don?t be their friend."

"Whoever is handy, scores double."

"Whoever lies for you, will also lie against you."

"Whoever wins makes the law."

"Wife carries her husband on her face, and husband carries his wife on his shirt."

"With a cup you can empty the biggest barrel."

"Without being smoked out, cannot get warm by the fire."

"Without old bull, there is no deep plowing."

"Without tools there is no craft."

"Wolf changes coats, but not his nature."

"Woman is an evil necessary for life."

"Woman relies on her crying, and criminal on lying."

"Women?s tongue is worse than Turkish sword."

"Word never spoken is word never heard."

"Words can tie and untie."

"You are not being honest if you burn your tongue and don't tell everyone else that the soup is hot."

"You can judge what you make by what others make."

"You can run anywhere you want, you won?t run away from yourself."

"You don't need a candle to look for a fool."

"You never get a headache from winning."

"Your ancestor's glory should not prevent you from winning your own."