Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Rush Limbaugh

American Radio Talk Show Host, Political Commentator and Author

"The Drive-Bys are reporting on my failure to drink the Obama Kool-Aid when it's their job to do exactly what I am doing: it is their job to be skeptical!"

"The economist Walter Williams points out that with the money we've spent on poverty programs since the 1960s we could have bought the entire assets of every Fortune 500 company and virtually every acre of US farmland. Still, the left wants more. Yet, not only didn't we eliminate poverty, but today many social problems are far worse than they've ever been."

"The fastest three hours in media is now under way."

"The First Amendment doesn't give anybody the right to be heard. People don't have to listen to you."

"The feminist movement was created to allow ugly women access to the mainstream of society"

"The left is just fit to be tied over the Citizens United case, which gave corporations the same right to contribute to campaigns as individuals. Basically what the Citizens United case said was that the CEO or Acme Corporation has as much right to participate in the American political process as the New York Times does, and as the unions."

"The left puts a lot of faith in a lot of people in the past that were dismal failures that they think are the greatest people who ever lived."

"The Founding Fathers are not just some people that happened to get mad a long time ago and want their freedom. They were special people in addition to what their natural yearnings were."

"The great people at ESPN did not want to deal with this kind of reaction. The path of least resistance became for me to resign."

"The idea of going back to college scares me, and I didn't even go. I went to college for one year, two semesters. If you add up the total time, I probably didn't even go one semester."

"The Greening of Detroit [works] to mandate that neighborhood groups, churches, and schools do everything their way to improve the so-called ecosystem in Detroit through tree planting projects, environmental mandates, urban mandates, open space mandates, and workforce development mandates. By the way, they didn't put "mandate" in there; I did. I just want to tell you the truth about what these people do."

"The journalists are so devoted to Obama. They are such sycophants that they're worried about access."

"The left has total control over the public education system, all the way up to the university level. It's something they own, and it's going to have to change."

"The Kennedy lifestyle is something that is looked upon favorably by the elites throughout our culture, both political and social."

"The law exists for a reason. There is a dominant American culture that people used to want to preserve. That's going by the wayside, too. But if it's now okay for an illegal alien to practice law in California, then can anybody else who's broken the law get a law license? And if not, why not?"

"The Limbaugh Theorem was not about me giving me credit for something. It was simply sharing with you when the light went off."

"The media has been trying to protect Obama. The media has been trying to shield Obama. Several in the Republican establishment in the so-called conservative media have even been trying to shield Obama."

"The modern-day Democrat Party does not believe in the Bush Doctrine. They believe in us getting hit and reading the people who hit us their rights, and then giving them access to the US Constitution."

"The liberals, you see, do not want to confront conservative ideas; they just attack conservatives as a group, and particularly their motives. If you believe what they say about us, you would think that if someone like Bill Bennett, or Jack Kemp, or myself were driving through South Central Los Angeles and looking at the slums and poverty, we would go: Oh, man, this is great -- they've got nothing, so that means we get more. It's simply preposterous. We all want to live in a great country. And for the country to fulfill its potential, you need individuals to be the best they can be -- not the government taking care of people."

"The mainstream media today has the biggest disconnect with its audience that it's ever, ever had. And as the disconnect grows and as more and more people distrust them, then the media digs in more and more and says you don't know what you're talking about, you don't know how we do our jobs, you don't know what's important."

"The more I think about this, the more like a slut I feel."

"The media is a like any other group of people. Their universe is all that matters."

"The media believes that what Obama was gonna do when he took over, go dictator immediately, that was what this country needs, finally central government running everything."

"The more dependent you are, the more ignorant you must be, and that's how they want you."

"The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down"

"The NAACP should have riot rehearsals. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."

"The nags? the national association of gals, that?s our pet name for the NOW gang? the nags are a bunch of whores to liberalism."

"The number of people, the labor force, has shrunk by nine million human beings since Obama took office."

"The Obama camp, the White House, and the media all condemned Romney before they condemned the attacks. Obama thought it more worthwhile to hit Romney for what he was doing than the terrorists for what they did. Romney got hit first."

"The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It?s natural. It?s as natural as the ocean water is. ?Rush Limbaugh, on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and refuting science, May 3, 2010"

"The only difference between Gorbachev and other Soviet leaders is that Gorbachev is alive"

"The only time my dad was wrong that I could ever remember was when he told me I would not amount to anything if I didn't go to college."

"The polls are just being used as another tool of voter suppression. The polls are an attempt to not reflect public opinion, but to shape it. Yours. They want to depress the heck out of you."

"The president of the United States is a pretty important position, and it's the ideas and policies that matter to me, not the color of their skin."

"The people we see protesting in Madison are the equivalent of Hosni Mubarak apparatchiks who are trying to hold onto their privileges despite the will of the people who are being exploited to pay for them."

"The only way to reduce the number of nuclear weapons is to use them."

"The press has met their Waterloo, and it's Obama."

"The purpose of liberalism is to tell liberals they are good people."

"The public school system doesn't get everybody. Every generation has its rebels."

"The Republican leadership thinks the best way to avoid losing elections is to let the Democrats win every controversial issue."

"The Republican establishment may in fact be so desirous of getting rid of the Tea Party as its base, they may be willing to lose some elections in order to get rid of their base and put up a new base."

"The Republican Party, I really believe, suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder from years and years of bullying and taunting. The Republican Party is Jonathan Martin. The Democrat Party and the media are Richie Incognito."

"The Republicans need to work on registration and getting out their vote and their early voters and absentees. Grassroots stuff."

"The teachers? unions, the education bureaucrats, and many Democratic politicians believe they should have the prerogative to tell middle-class Americans where their children should attend school. How often have you heard discussions of ?giving parents the right? to choose their school? Good grief, [they should not] grant (or deny) parents that right. As Bill Bennett says in response to this idiocy, ?Let my people go.?"

"The solution is to prosecute the ones in Congress who are guilty of serious crimes. [A prosecutor] told me that some members will probably face charges under the same statute that was used to convict people in the Iran-Contra scandal. It?s called ?Conspiracy to Defraud the US Government.?"

"The study's leaders claim to have bona fide research ? I say "bonified" probably here ? bonified research that says the average size of a penis is roughly 10% smaller than it was 50 years ago, and the researchers say air pollution is why. Air pollution, global warming has been shown to negatively impact penis size, Italian researchers. I don't buy this, I think it's feminism. If it's tied to the last 50 years ? the average size of a member is 10 percent smaller than 50 years ? it has to be the feminazis, the chickification and everything else. Give 'em time and they'll blame Bush. Give 'em time. But air pollution vs. feminazis? Ha!"

"The Republicans have bought into the idea that people hate them because they're opposed to everything."

"The Republicans ought to be nowhere near trying to help Obama save his bacon. But they don't think that's what they're doing, I'm convinced. You talk about trauma and the need for therapy, I really think that the Republicans have been genuinely psychologically traumatized by decades of media criticism."

"The school curriculum today, particularly American history, is a shame."

"The thing Obama signed on New Year's Eve, the new Defense Authorization Act. I don't know if people don't know what's in this or if other things take precedence. Folks, you know what this thing does? It allows the United States military to detain anybody for no reason! They don't even have to charge you. I mean, this is specified. This is not the Patriot Act. This is way beyond. This is total authoritarianism. This is the kind of stuff that exists in Third World banana republics. The government can detain anybody! All they have to do... They actually don't have to do anything. They just have to say they suspect you of terrorism. They don't have to prove it. They don't have to have any evidence. They can charge you. They can put you away in a jail. You are not allowed a lawyer. You are not allowed habeas corpus. Obama even issued a signing statement with it in which he said: "Don't worry, I'm not going to do this." Well, he can, as can anybody in the military, as can any future president."