Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Atharva Veda, or Atharvaveda

Sacred Text of Hinduism and One of the Four Vedas meaning "knowledge"

"I threw off the veil of illusion, when I met my Lord and Master; then, I forgot my jealousy of others."

"I wash Your Feet, and constantly serve You. O Divine Lord, I worship and adore You; I bow down before You. I am the slave of Your slaves; I chant Your Name. I offer this prayer to my Lord and Master."

"Idle brains exaggerate matters; and cynics cause great social damage."

"I will get all My people near Me, for they are Mine, and I am theirs. Then, I will start teaching and training them, until they become entirely ego-free. For the last 25 years, it has all been sweetness, kindness, soft persuasion; hereafter, it will be different. I will drag them, place them on the table and operate. That is to say, I have no anger or hate. I have only Love."

"If only he had known the truth, all that grief could have been avoided. So too, until you know that all are altars where the name God is installed and all are moved and motivated by the Grace of the self-same God, you are afflicted by hate and pride; once you know it and experience it, you are full of Love and reverence to all."

"If our thoughts, actions and deeds are pure then we are automatically blessed with added benefits like good health, strength, long life and most importantly benediction. Therefore we should try to keep ourselves pure and chaste."

"If I fall at their Feet, then I live; associating with those humble beings, I remain happy."

"If we are good to people then we are reciprocated in the same manner but if we are bad to them then we will most obviously be paid in the same coin."

"If you have known Me through and through there will be no such argument at all. You will know that this is but an insignificant product of My power. I have done this only as an example; unless those who lead are themselves active and earnest to bend and bear the burden, all those who are encouraged to follow will lose heart and miss the way."

"If you too keep your senses and your wishes in check, you will gain by listening to these talks and by this visit; and I will be happy that you have taken to the path that will give you real strength and joy."

"If they have come on as citadels of the gods, if they have constituted an inspired charm as their armour, if they have gathered courage through the protections for the body and the bulwarks which they have made, render all that devoid of force."

"If there is difference of opinion between husband and wife then household chores will become impossible to accomplish. To avoid this the relationship between husband and wife should be cordial and loving."

"If your wish is fulfilled, you revere Me; if it is not, you revile Me. That is how Desire debases you."

"In doubt and emotional attachment, this person understands nothing; with this leash, these feet are tied up."

"In every country today, men have become power-mad and they resort, without any compunction, to self praise and dry declamation. They develop hatred against others, foster envy and feed their fatal egos. They plunge the Society to which they belong into fear, anxiety and disorder. They do not know, that if elevating ideals are adhered to and practiced, they could gain eternal fame; instead they are content with cheap applause and short-lived publicity."

"If, what is learned is not put into practice, the student is like a cow that does not yield milk; a fruit lacking in taste, a book bereft of wisdom."

"Illumination is the purpose of life; of the recurring sequence of birth and death."

"In order to accomplish his duties fearlessly, a man must take the refuge of 'Truth'."

"In his hearth and home, in his palace, upon his soft and comfortable bed, day and night, the flower-girls scatter flower petals; but without the Lord's Name, the body is miserable. Horses, elephants, lances, marching bands, armies, standard bearers, royal attendants and ostentatious displays - without the Lord of the Universe, these undertakings are all useless."

"In order to be blessed with a long life it is imperative that we become strong both mentally and physically. We should do all that makes our mind and body healthy and energetic."

"In pursuit of money, man descends to the level of the beast. Money is of the nature of manure. Piled up in one place, it pollutes the air. Spread it wide; scatter it over fields; it rewards you with a bumper harvest."

"In peace and poise, they remain detached; in peace and poise, they laugh. In peace and poise, they remain silent; in peace and poise, they chant."

"In the love of duality, it wanders deluded by doubt. The mind is distracted by great anxiety; no one recognizes one's own self. Occupied with their own affairs, their nights and days are passing away."

"In thought, word and deed, seek the Support of the Lord of the Universe; thus you shall be saved from the poisonous world-ocean."

"In the True Court, they lie; the blind fools strike their own heads with their own hands."

"In the villages and in the wilderness, in the assembly-halls that are upon the earth; in the gatherings, and in the meetings, may we hold forth agreeably to thee."

"In the Divine Path, there is no chance of failure; it is the Path of Love."

"It is only those, who fail to follow My instructions and deviate from the path I lay down, that fail to get what I hold out before them. Follow My instructions and become soldiers in MY army; I will lead you on to victory."

"It is said that dreams seen at dawn often come true."

"It has shone upon thee, light has arisen, darkness has departed from thee. We remove from thee death, destruction, and disease."

"It is considered a grave sin to die a debtor."

"It is all God, an expression of His Majesty. Derive joy from the springs of joy within you and without you; advance, do not stand still or recede."

"In Time mind is fixed, in Time breath (is fixed), in Time names (are fixed); when Time has arrived all these creatures rejoice."

"It is believed that the soul's attachment with the body remains until the dead-body is not destroyed completely."

"It is foolish to try to shape the World; shape yourself as the embodiment of Peace, Love and Reverence. Then you will see all as Love, Compassion and Humility."

"It is evident that there is a differences in the death of the 'ignorant' and that of a 'knowledgeable'."

"It is only recently that India fell under the impact of alien cultures which highlighted material comfort, physical luxury, sensual liberty, and exterior display; and that Indians have trodden the wrong path of exploitation and violence, idleness and pompousness."

"It is the duty of learned ones to ensure that the tribe of noble people keeps on growing. This they can do by means of proper guidance and tutelage."

"It is urgent that everyone should inquire into the true, the pure and the permanent; for there is at present a delusion about values. Even the leaders of people are hugging the false hypothesis that happiness can be had by means of wealth or health, housing or clothing, or the cultivation of skills in handicraft and manufacture."

"It takes time for a fruit to mature and acquire sweetness and become eatable; time is a prime factor for most good fortunes."

"It is the duty of the husband to earn money and fulfill the needs of his wife. It is also his duty to keep her happy and satisfied. He should protect her and fulfill all her demands."

"Just like the four main directions (North, South, East and West) the body also possess four openings or doors- the East door is Mouth, the West door is Rectum, the North door is Head while the South door is Private part."

"Knowledge helps dormant intelligence to awake and become conscious which automatically brings so many additional advantages."

"Knowledge is vital for progress and prosperity."

"Joy is a deceptive trap; grief is the real preceptor, teaching caution, circumspection, discrimination, detachment, awareness and vigilance."

"It is the duty of every individual to dedicate himself for the betterment and advancement of the country."

"Keep the tongue under control; do not express all you are prompted to say; cut that inclination to the minimum."

"Knowledge not only helps us material success but it also enhances our spiritual growth."

"Lances and swords, marching bands, thrones and the salutes of others only increase his desire; he is engrossed in sexual desire."

"Learn a lesson from the birds. They feed those who cannot fly far. The bird relieves the itch of the buffalo by scratching it with its beak; they help and serve each other with no thought of reward."