Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Elizabeth Gilbert

You may return here once you have fully come to understand that you are always here

Circumstances | Decision | Little | Need |

Elizabeth Gilbert

There’s a crack (or cracks) in everyone…that’s how the light of God gets in.

Body | Circumstances | Energy | Fate | Life | Life | Money | Regard | Will | Words | Fate |

Emanuel Swedenborg, born Emanujel Swedberg

There is granted to everyone after death the opportunity of amending his life, if it is at all possible.

Earnestness | Mind | Power | Spirit | Work |

Emmet Fox

Prayer is always the solution. No matter what kind of difficulty may be facing you, no matter how complicated your problem may seem – prayer can solve it. Of course you will also take whatever practical steps seem to be indicated, and if you do not know what steps to take, prayer will show you. Prayer is constantly bringing about the seemingly impossible, and there is no conceivable problem that has not at some time been solved by prayer.

Business | Circumstances | Desire | Failure | Free will | God | Good | Harm | Life | Life | Man | Mind | Neglect | Order | People | Right | Rule | Sacred | Wants | Will | Failure | Business | God | Think |

Emmet Fox

Remember that God is always at the end of the road ahead, but at the end of the road behind you will only find yourself.

Circumstances | Destiny | Good | Happy | Health | Present | Prosperity | Friends |

Emmet Fox

An understanding faith is the life of prayer. It is a great mistake, however to struggle to produce a lively faith within yourself. That can only end in failure. The thing to do is to act as though you had faith. What we voluntarily do will always be the expression of our true belief. Act out the part that you wish to demonstrate, and you will be expressing true faith. "Act as though I were, and I will be," says the Bible in effect. This is the right use of the will, scientifically understood. The statement of Jesus quoted above is perhaps the most tremendous spiritual pronouncement ever made. Probably no other teacher who ever lived would have dared to say it, but Jesus knew the law of faith and proved it himself many times. Know the Truth about your problems. Claim spiritual dominion. Avoid tenseness, strain, and over-anxiety. Expect your prayer to be answered, and act as though you expected it.

Attainment | Circumstances | God | Means | God | Old |

Erskine Mason

For we may ask in return, what has any secret purpose to do with our role of judgment and action? “Secret things,” we are told, “belong unto the Lord our God; but things which are revealed, unto us and to our children.” The question taken from the hidden purposes of the divine mind, can have no force whatever, because it is an appeal to our ignorance. We know, and can know nothing about them. One thing, however, we do know. God must be always and everywhere consistent with himself; and whether we can understand it or not, it is certain that there can be no inconsistency between revealed and unrevealed truths; and if God has made an offer of eternal life through the atonement unto all men, and commanded all men to embrace it, there cannot be in any purpose of God concerning its nature, anything which will clash with, and so contradict this universal offer.

Circumstances | Earth | God | Light | Means | Mistake | Nature | Necessity | Principles | System | Waste | Will | God | Guilty |

Che Guevara, fully Ernesto “Che” Guevara

Along the way, I had the opportunity to pass through the dominions of the United Fruit, convincing me once again of just how terrible these capitalist octopuses are. I have sworn before a picture of the old and mourned comrade Stalin that I won't rest until I see these capitalist octopuses annihilated.

Circumstances | Famous | Father | Hunger | Important | Time | Loss | Child |

Ernst Haeckel, full name Ernst Heinrich Phillip August Haeckel

Neither of the primitive men we have spoken of, nor of those who immediately succeeded them, can we rightly predicate any knowledge of nature.

Circumstances | Day | Evolution | History | Ignorance | Important | Man | Phenomena |

Étienne Bonnot de Condillac

Music must naturally have been criticized in proportion as it improved, especially if its progress was considerable and subitaneous: for then it differs most from the sounds to which our ear is accustomed. But if we begin to be used to it, then it pleases, and it is prejudice any longer to oppose it.

Circumstances | Order | Power | Present |

Étienne Bonnot de Condillac

If we want to revive a perception which is not familiar to us, such as the taste of a fruit of which we have eaten but once, our endeavors will terminate, generally speaking, in causing a kind of concussion in the fibres of the brain and of the mouth; and the perception shall bear no resemblance to the taste of that fruit. It would be the same in regard to a melon, to a peach, or even to a fruit of which we had never tasted. The like remark may be made in respect to the other senses.

Circumstances | Distinguish | Nature |

Étienne Bonnot de Condillac

And yet, let the nature of these perceptions be what it will, and let them be produced as they will, if we look amongst them for the idea of extension, for instance, of a line, of an angle, and any other figure, we shall find it in that repository very clearly and distinctly.

Abstract | Circumstances | Mind | Perception | Power | Think |

Étienne Bonnot de Condillac

There were two reasons why persons of any abilities, that attempted this kind of music, could not help meeting with success. The first is, that without doubt they pitched upon such pieces, as in the course of reciting, they had been accustomed to render particularly expressive; or at least they imagined some such. The second is the surprise, which this music must needs have produced by its novelty. The greater the surprise she greater the impression of the music.

Attention | Circumstances | Object |

Euripedes NULL

When one with honeyed words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.

Generosity | God | Need | God |

Evelyn Underhill

If there is a symbol of our age, perhaps it is something that every factory worker does each day of their working lives -- I refer to clocking in. (Very soon probably they won't even have to do that; the clock will itself observe them by radar.) In the ancient world when a person entered a temple, each made a votive offering to a god or a goddess at the door. As twentieth century people file into their shrines, they obediently pay their due to the god that regulates their lives -- the clock. It is the clock that measures us, that silent witness that keeps our going in and our coming out and relentlessly records our every movement. That is where all our organization and machinery to free us from time, to save us time, has brought us. Never before have we had such control over things, and never before have we been so enslaved by them. And of nothing is this more true than of time.

Better | Circumstances | Consideration | Desire | Gentleness | Life | Life | Strength | Will |

Ezra Taft Benson

I donÂ’t know how you feel, my brethren and sisters, but IÂ’d rather be dead than to lose my liberty. I have no fear weÂ’ll ever lose it because of invasion from the outside. But I do have fear that it may slip away from us because of our own indifference, our own negligence, as citizens of this land. And so I plead with you this morning that you take an active interest in matters pertaining to the future of this country.

Circumstances | Control | Destroy | Duty | Eternal | God | Government | Individual | Inspiration | Liberty | Men | People | Right | Rights | Will | Government | God |

Italian Proverbs

The dog that has been beaten with a stick is afraid of its shadow.

Beginning | Circumstances | Risk |

Italian Proverbs

With art and knavery we live through half the year; with knavery and art we live through the other.

Generosity | Selfishness | Time | Unkindness |