Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

J. B. S. Haldane, fully John Burdon Sanderson Haldane

We do not know, in most cases, how far social failure and success are due to heredity, and how far to environment. But environment is the easier of the two to improve.

Failure | Heredity | Success | Wisdom | Failure |

R. B. Cunninghame Graham, fully Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham

Nothing can stand against success and yet keep fresh. Nations as well as individuals feel its vulgarizing power.

Nations | Nothing | Power | Success | Wisdom |

J. B. S. Haldane, fully John Burdon Sanderson Haldane

The making of friends who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life.

Life | Life | Man | Success | Wisdom | Friends |

Bruce Doolin Henderson

The essential element of successful strategy is that it derives its success from the differences between competitors with a consequent difference in their behavior. Ordinarily, this means that any corporate policy and plan which is typical of the industry is doomed to mediocrity. Where this is not so, it should be possible to demonstrate that all other competitors are at a distinct disadvantage.

Behavior | Industry | Means | Mediocrity | Plan | Policy | Success | Wisdom |

Paul G. Hoffman, fully Paul Gray Hoffman

It is a deep-seated belief on the part of almost all Americans that their success will be better assured as they help to build the success of others.

Belief | Better | Success | Will | Wisdom |

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Whether a man accepts from fortune her spade and will look downward and dig, or from aspiration her axe and cord, and will scale the ice, the one and only success which it is his to command is to bring to his work a mighty heart.

Aspiration | Fortune | Heart | Man | Success | Will | Wisdom | Work | Aspiration |

William James

Belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that will guarantee the success of any venture.

Beginning | Belief | Guarantee | Success | Will | Wisdom |

Abraham Lincoln

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.

Important | Mind | Resolution | Success | Wisdom |

A. J. King, fully Andrew Jackson King

The secret of success of every man who has ever been successful lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing those things that failures don't like to do.

Habit | Man | Success | Wisdom |

Marya Mannes

Good-fellowship, unflagging, is the prime requisite for success in our society, and the man or woman who smiles only for reasons of humor or pleasure is a deviate.

Good | Humor | Man | Pleasure | Society | Success | Wisdom | Woman |

Christopher Morley, fully Christopher Darlington Morley

There is but one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way.

Life | Life | Success | Wisdom |

David O. McKay

No worldly success can compensate for failure in the home.

Failure | Success | Wisdom | Failure |

Leon Montenaeken, fully Louis Moreau Constant Corneille van Montenaeken

In most things success depends on knowing how long it takes to succeed.

Knowing | Success | Wisdom |

Édouard Jules Henri Pailleron

Have success and there will always be fools to say that you have talent.

Success | Will | Wisdom |

John Henry Patterson

Business is founded on vision and confidence; success on industry and cooperation.

Business | Confidence | Cooperation | Industry | Success | Vision | Wisdom |