Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

H. E. Stocher

Research teaches a man to admit he is wrong and to be proud of the fact that he does so, rather than try with all his energy to defend an unsound plan because he is afraid that admission of error is a confession of weakness when rather it is a sign of strength.

Energy | Error | Man | Plan | Research | Strength | Weakness | Wisdom | Wrong | Afraid |

Tu Weiming

We are here because embedded in our human nature is the secret code for heaven’s self-realization. Heaven is certainly omnipresent, may even be omniscient, but is most likely not omnipotent. It needs our active participation to realize its own truth... Since we help heaven to realize itself through our self-discovery, and self-understanding in day-to-day living, the ultimate meaning of life is found in our ordinary, human existence.

Day | Discovery | Existence | Heaven | Human nature | Life | Life | Meaning | Nature | Self | Self-realization | Truth | Understanding | Wisdom |

Lyall Watson

If all Earth history is compressed into one “day”, the sea is mixed two thousand times in every “minute” of it, distributing warmth and energy evenly round our water-cooled and air-conditioned planet. Every eighteen “seconds” on this collapsed time scale, the world’s rivers dump enough dissolved salts into the sea to double its concentration, but this nevertheless remains around a resolute and reasonable 3 per cent. It is vital that this should be so, because few living cells can survive a salinity which exceeds, even for just a few seconds, a value of 6 per cent. Half the living matter in the world is still found in the sea, and that fact alone seems to make the chemical regulation not only necessary, but possible.

Day | Earth | Energy | Enough | History | Regulation | Time | Wisdom | World | Value |

Frances E. Vaughan

When intuition is developed, it should lead the way into the unknown, with slower-moving reason following behind, evaluating the appropriateness of intuitive insights and inspirations along the way. Thus intuition might inspire us to embark on a new path through life, but rationality can help us with everyday decision-making as we struggle to manifest our vision.

Decision | Intuition | Life | Life | Rationality | Reason | Struggle | Vision | Wisdom | Following |

Alexis de Tocqueville, fully Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville

Taken as a whole, men will only devote their enthusiasm, their time, and their energy to matters in which their passions have a personal interest. But their personal interests, however powerful they may be, will never carry them very far or very high unless they can be made to seem noble and legitimate in their own eyes by being allied to some good cause in which the whole human race can join.

Cause | Energy | Enthusiasm | Good | Human race | Men | Race | Time | Will | Wisdom |

Greta Woodrew, Pseud. for Greta Andron Smolowe

"Help me!" is not as dynamic as "Help me to help myself!" Nor is it as lasting.

Dynamic | Wisdom |

Walter C. Alvarez, fully Walter Clement Alvarez

One of the great difficulties we physicians have in trying to help nervous patients is their tendency to jump to the conclusion that pains of psychic origin must be mild and wholly imaginary.

Martha Berry, fully Martha McChesney Bery

The best way to help anyone is to give him a chance to help himself.

Chance |

Simon Wiesenthal

The meaning of life is wrapped up in what will remain after we depart. The meaning of life is to help create a better future... The meaning of life is to be mindful of the past - to always remember - in order to make certain that history’s atrocities are not repeated again and that justice will win.

Better | Future | History | Justice | Life | Life | Meaning | Order | Past | Will | Wisdom |

Carol Adrienne

You are a self-organizing system in an invisible field of energy organized by your purpose and a stream of continuous information. Information is the nutrient of a self-organizing system… It is by knowing yourself that your purpose is revealed.

Energy | Knowing | Purpose | Purpose | Self | System |

Al-Shafi’I, fully Abū ʿAbdullāh Muhammad ibn Idrīs al-Shafiʿī NULL

Never do I argue with a; man with a desire to hear him say what is wrong, or to expose him and win a victory over him… Whenever I face an opponent in debate I silently pray, “O Lord, Help him so that truth may flow from his heart and on his tongue, and so that if truth is on my side, he may follow me; and if it be on his side, I may follow him.”

Desire | Heart | Lord | Man | Truth | Wrong |

Charles Williams

The history of Christendom would have been far happier if we all had remembered one rule of intelligence - not to believe a thing more strongly at the end of a bitter argument than at the beginning, not to believe it with the energy of the opposition rather than one's own.

Argument | Beginning | Energy | History | Intelligence | Opposition | Rule | Wisdom |

Willem Ernst Wunder

Clearly, if disease is man-made, it can also be man-prevented. It should be the function of medicine to help people die young as late in life as possible.

Disease | Life | Life | Man | People | Wisdom |

Carol Adrienne

Let’s imagine a visual image of your “life” as an energetic field. This energetic field attracts to you people, opportunities, and events. Within that field is a central point of purpose around which incoming energy is organized. Affecting and modifying that central point of purpose are energetic sub-fields of beliefs, attitudes, past experiences, expectations, unresolved emotional states, and other unconscious material. At all times, we emit a certain energy pattern based on our physical, emotional and spiritual states. The model of a magnetic force field is intended to suggest that we not only radiate our energy from a centralized self-organizing, indwelling purpose, but that energetic field also attracts in, or magnetizes to itself, those people and things that will help fulfill that purpose.

Energy | Events | Force | Life | Life | Model | Past | People | Purpose | Purpose | Self | Will |

George Burns, born Nathan Birnbaum

If you were to go around asking people what would make them happier, you’d get answers like “a new car,” a bigger house,” “a raise in pay,” or “winning the lottery.” Probably not one in a hundred would say “a chance to help people,” and yet that is what brings about the most happiness of all.

Chance | People | Happiness |

Tom Butler-Bowdon

Clarity about goals saves a huge amount of energy that can be productively in other areas.

Energy | Goals |