Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Gore Vidal, fully Eugene Luther Gore Vidal

There is no such thing as a true account of anything.

People |

Gore Vidal, fully Eugene Luther Gore Vidal

When she was running for the Senate, Hillary's psephologists discovered that the one group that really hated her was white, middle-aged men of property. She got the whole thing immediately — I heard she said, "I remind them of their first wife."

Business | Money | Nothing | Business |

Euripedes NULL

Human misery must somewhere have a stop; there is no wind that always blows a storm; great good fortune comes to failure in the end. All is change; all yields its place and goes; to persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. The coward despairs.

Man | Struggle | Will |

Euripedes NULL

Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom.

Children | Love | People | Virtue | Virtue |

Euripedes NULL

It is behind the evil sought would only cast evil.

Better | Good |

Euripedes NULL

It is a good thing to be rich, it is a good thing to be strong, but it is a better thing to be beloved of many friends.

Better | Good |

Evan Esar

Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.

Money |

Evelyn Waugh, fully Evelyn Arthur St. John Waugh

But I was in search of love in those days, and I went full of curiosity and the faint, unrecognized apprehension that here, at last, I should find that low door in the wall, which others, I knew, had found before me, which opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden, which was somewhere, not overlooked by any window, in the heart of that grey city.

Enough | Good |

Evelyn Glennie, fully Evelyn Elizabeth Ann Glennie

There are many collaborations I'd like to explore. One is to co-write a rap concerto with Eminem.

Emotions |

Evan Esar

The trouble with the family is that children grow out of childhood, but parents never grow out of parenthood.

People | World |

Evelyn Glennie, fully Evelyn Elizabeth Ann Glennie

A large part of my work has been collaborating with composers; I think we've commissioned about 140 pieces now, a lot of them percussion concertos.

Order | World |

Evelyn Waugh, fully Evelyn Arthur St. John Waugh

It's a rather pleasant change when all your life you've had people looking after you, to have someone to look after yourself. Only of course it has to be someone pretty hopeless to need looking after by me.

Life | Life |

Evelyn Waugh, fully Evelyn Arthur St. John Waugh

I've always had two principles throughout all my life in motion-pictures: never do before the camera what you would not do at home and never do at home what you would not do before the camera.

Despair | Need |

Evelyn Waugh, fully Evelyn Arthur St. John Waugh

It is easy, retrospectively, to endow one's youth with a false precocity or a false innocence; to tamper with the dates marking one's stature on the edge of the door.

Creed | Paradise | Will |

Ezra Taft Benson

A good name is still to be preferred over great riches. Especially it is to be preferred to the appearance of riches, acquired with nothing down and nothing to pay for 2 months.

Children | Money | Mother | Time | Child |

Ezra Pound, fully Ezra Weston Loomis Pound

If anybody ever shuts you in Indiana...and you don't at least write some unconstrained something or other, I give up hope for your salvation.

Art | Money | Art |

Ezra Pound, fully Ezra Weston Loomis Pound

The intellect is a very nice whirligig toy, but how people take it seriously is more than I can understand.

Care | Individual | Order | Thought | Words | Think | Thought |

Ezra Pound, fully Ezra Weston Loomis Pound

The real meditation is ... the meditation on one's identity. Ah, voila une chose! You try it. You try finding out why you're you and not somebody else. And who in the blazes are you anyhow? Ah, voila une chose!

Leisure |

Ezra Taft Benson

Clean hearts and healthful food, exercise, early sleep and fresh air, wholesome recreation and meditation combined with optimism that comes from fighting for the right and knowing you'll eventually win for keeps - this is the tonic every true Christian patriot needs and deserves.

World |