Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Os Guiness

When it is said and done, life’s journey isn’t about humanity in general, or even the person next door. It’s about you and me. Our individual lives are the focus, a picture framed by our birth and death. Our personal goals and principles are under scrutiny; our personal success or failure is in the balance.

Balance | Birth | Death | Failure | Focus | Goals | Humanity | Individual | Journey | Life | Life | Principles | Success | Failure |

David R. Hawkins, fully David Ramon Hawkins

Spiritual goals tend to become increasingly important and integrity becomes the yardstick of happiness. This leads to the evolution of consciousness in which the ultimate goal becomes the perfection of one’s relationship with God.

Consciousness | Evolution | Goals | God | Important | Integrity | Perfection | Relationship |

David R. Hawkins, fully David Ramon Hawkins

In spiritual work, there is no tangible worldly gain to be acquired, but there is instead an inner reward of pleasure, satisfaction, and even joy. Goals replace gains as motives. There is a greater freedom from living on the exciting knife edge of the moment than being a prisoner of the past or having expectations of the future.

Freedom | Future | Goals | Joy | Motives | Past | Pleasure | Reward | Work |

Bruce Jenner, fully William Bruce Jenner

People are either driven to action or complacency, mission or rust. You’re either participating in the Game of Life or you’re watching it from the grandstands. Herein lies a crucial difference. A champion plays the game: a spectator observes, criticizes and never really gets to live. A champion knows what he or she wants and goes after it with carefully calculated goals and no-holds-barred action. A spectator feels that his or her life is not their own. They let others dictate their destiny. They become victims of life instead of masters of it.”

Action | Complacency | Destiny | Goals | Life | Life | Mission | People | Wants |

Peter W. Jedlicka

If your goals are not important, your influence will be minimal.

Goals | Important | Influence | Will |

Abraham Joshua Heschel

What the world needs is a sense of ultimate embarrassment. Modern man has the power and the wealth to overcome poverty and disease, but he has no wisdom to overcome suspicion. We are guilty of misunderstanding the meaning of existence; we are guilty of distorting our goals and misrepresenting our souls. We are better than our assertions, more intricate, more profound than our theories maintain.

Better | Disease | Existence | Goals | Man | Meaning | Poverty | Power | Sense | Suspicion | Theories | Wealth | Wisdom | World | Guilty |

Ted Kennedy, fully Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy

Violence is an admission that one’s ideas and goals cannot prevail on their own merits.

Goals | Ideas |

Carl Jung, fully Carl Gustav Jung

The decisive question for man is: Is he related to something infinite or not? That is the telling question of his life. Only if we know that the thing which truly matters is the infinite can we avoid fixing our interest upon futilities, and upon all kinds of goals which are not of real importance.

Goals | Life | Life | Man | Question |

Ervin László

Values are goals which behavior strives to realize. Any activity which is oriented toward the accomplishment of some end is a value-oriented activity.

Accomplishment | Behavior | Goals |

Fritz A. Rothschild

Human happiness does not consist in satisfying one’s personal wishes but in the certainty of being needed, in having the visions of goals still unattained.

Goals | Wishes | Happiness |

David J. Schwartz, fully David Joseph Schwartz

Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success. Remember this, too! Big ideas and big plans are often easier – certainly no more difficult – than small ideas and small plans.

Belief | Goals | Ideas | Little | Size | Success | Think |

Garrett Thomson

In summary, goals or end-states are not intrinsically valuable, even though they direct and explain action. Although having aims or goals is an important and unavoidable aspect of life, it is a mistake to confuse those goals with non-instrumental value because this would imply that activities are merely instrumentally valuable. It is the goals of our activities that are instrumentally valuable; they are valuable to achieve because they lead to further worthwhile activities.

Action | Aims | Goals | Important | Life | Life | Mistake | Value |

Garrett Thomson

We are not merely instruments, either for our own goals or for those of God. This is why it is a mistake to identify the meaning of life with a goal…. This does not imply that our own goals are not and should not be important to our lives… just that they are not the meaning of life in themselves.

Goals | God | Important | Life | Life | Meaning | Mistake |

Greg Anderson

When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.

Dreams | Goals | Life | Life | Love | Meaning | Need |

Judith Barad

We don't need a self-help guru to remind us we all have the power to change our lives. Would you like to lose weight or tone your body? Want to be kinder, gentler? How about becoming more intellectual, or more creative? No one can stop us from reaching these goals but ourselves. We set our own limits.

Body | Change | Goals | Need | Power | Self |

Charles Colson, fully Charles "Chuck" Wendell Colson

Children whose souls are stunted in the shadow of relativism are left without noble ideals and moral goals to raise their sights above immediate self-gratification.

Children | Goals | Ideals | Self |

Albert Einstein

It is one of the goals of religions to liberate mankind as far as possible from the bondage of egocentric cravings, desires, and fears.

Goals | Mankind |

Max Cleland, fully Joseph Maxwell Cleland

We must teach our children to set high goals for their lives, to raise the bar even higher than before. And importantly, we must allow our children to dream.

Children | Goals | Teach |

Peter Singer

Anyone can become part of the critical mass that offers us a chance of improving the world before it is too late. You can rethink your goals and question what you are doing with your life. If your present way of living does not stand up against an impartial standard of value, then you can change it.

Chance | Change | Goals | Life | Life | Present | Question | World |