This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Shrimad Bhagavatam, or the Bhâgavata Purâna, Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, or Bhāgavata NULL
One should meditate on the form of God concentrating the mind on all the features. The person of self-control should withdraw the organs from the sense-objects with the help of the mind, and with the intellect [the determinative faculty] as guide, direct the mind to the entire form. Then he should concentrate the mind --- distributed all over the form --- on one part and think of the smiling countenance alone and nothing else.
Eternal | Goals | Life | Life | Pity | Purpose | Purpose | Time | Theoretical |
In order to be happy oneself it is necessary to make at least one other person happy ... The secret of human happiness is not in self-seeking but in self-forgetting.
Dialogue, if it is not to degenerate into diatribe and disputation, too, presupposes similarities, identities and affinities. In their absence dialogue, as distinguished from diatribe and disputation, cannot emerge. This is amply attested by the failure of Catholic-Jewish dialogue in the post-Vatican II era. Despite concerted efforts by Jews and Catholics of good will and scholarship, what has taken place at Catholic-Jewish dialogues thus far is proof that when partners to a dialogue are as far apart as Catholicism and Judaism, the difference will preclude the climate of harmony for lack of which “interfaith conversations” turn into diatribes. Augustin Cardinal Bea’s commentary on the Vatican II declaration on Jews and Judaism is proof that Catholic-Jewish dialogue remains as problems-beset after the Council as it was previously.
Thomas Cronin, fully Thomas Edward Cronin
The essence of the leader as artist is consciousness-raising and unlocking the energies and talents of fellow associates. Leaders at their best are not involved in doing great deeds so much as getting their followers to believe they can do great deeds and excel. Leaders define and defend and promote values. Or they help redefine values, and understand when, in Lincoln’s phrase, the dogmas of the past are inadequate for the stormy present. They understand when new circumstances call for new vision. Leaders are skilled listeners and learners, carefully consulting their own and their colleagues’ values, beliefs, and passions. As important as anything else, a leader has to nurture trust and self-confidence. Associates and followers expect leaders to have bold visions and to pursue them with enthusiasm. People being led yearn for a mission or vision that is clearly stated.
Goals | People | Purpose | Purpose | Work | Leadership | Understand |
Tim Gallwey, fully W. Timothy Gallwey
Coaching is eavesdropping in on someone’s thinking process. The most important part of the job of a coach is to listen well. Effective coaching in the workplace holds a mirror up for clients, so they can see their own thinking process. As a coach, I am not listening for the content of what is being said as much as I am listening to the way they are thinking, including how their attention is focused and how they define the key elements of the situation.
Will Durant, fully William James "Will" Durant
Says Spinoza: When it seems to us anything in the nature funny or silly, obscure or evil it is because we do not have only little knowledge of things, and we are ignorant system of nature and cohesion as a whole, and we want to hold things according to our thinking and our opinions, even though what he sees as our mind bad or evil is not evil or bad for the system and the laws of nature comprehensive college. But in relation to the laws of our own nature separate. As for the word of good and evil, it does not indicate something positive in itself, because the one thing the same may be simultaneously good or evil, or neither such as music, for example, it is better for Almnaqbd self evil for Alnaúh sad and lost people seemed to be his. It is not good or evil for the Dead
Dispute | Effort | Fighting | Goals | Hero | Story | Happiness |
Warren Buffett, fully Warren Edward Buffett, aka Oracle of Omaha
I do not like debt and do not like to invest in companies that have too much debt, particularly long-term debt. With long-term debt, increases in interest rates can drastically affect company profits and make future cash flows less predictable.
Warren Buffett, fully Warren Edward Buffett, aka Oracle of Omaha
Charlie and I decided long ago that in an investment lifetime it's too hard to make hundreds of smart decisions. That judgment became ever more compelling as Berkshire's capital mushroomed and the universe of investments that could significantly affect our results shrank dramatically. Therefore, we adopted a strategy that required our being smart - and not too smart at that - only a very few times. Indeed, we'll now settle for one good idea a year. (Charlie says it's my turn.)
Vince Lombardi, fully Vincent Thomas "Vince" Lombardi
A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.
Cooperation | Goals | Risk | Sense | Wants | Will | Leader |
Viktor Frankl, fully Viktor Emil Frankl
Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.
Goals |
E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher
We have become confused to what our convictions really are. The great ideas of the nineteenth century may fill our minds in one way or another, but our hearts do not believe in them all the same. Mind and heart are at war with one another, not, as is commonly asserted, reason and faith. Our reason has become so beclouded by an extraordinary, blind, and unreasonable faith in a set of fantastic and life-destroying ideas inherited from the nineteenth century. It is the foremost task of our reason to recover a truer faith than that.